Chapter 46: Gaslighting

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i... have watched... all of umbrella academy in one day. WHY THE FUCK DID THEY DO THAT TO HER OH MY GOD I'M AT THE VERGE OF FUCKING TEARS RN. BRUH. NO. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO. 


*clears throat* 

you can listen to 'love is (not) easy' by chase atlantic for this one if you want. I would give you my spotify so you can listen to the actual playlist i made for this book (it's three hours long...) but i feel like that's not a fantastic idea? anyway if you can find it, congrats ;)




Jilly looks a little ticked off at ballet on monday. For me, I'm just sad. I'm sad all over. I don't know what to say to her, or what to say to Stephan when he comes to pick her up. I've spent the last few nights with Gabby at her apartment, not willing to go back to mine and be alone.

I should probably just disappear right after practice. Avoid him.

So I suffer through the hour and a half. I avoid eye contact with Jilly.

Belle turns her nose at me. "You look depressed."

"Weird observation."

"Bet it's hockey boy. Did he finally tell you or did someone rat him out for you." She raises her eyebrows at me, when I don't immediately retaliate, she adds on. "Oh, how interesting. You don't know?" She points at Jilly. "Her brother is a hockey player. You must not have been informed of this." the rest of the class is staring at me and Belle. I put a hand over my eyes.


"He just didn't tell you because he probably doesn't like you all that much. That's what all Sagamores do, isn't it Jilly?" starting to feel like it.

"You shut up about my brother." Jilly growls.

Belle laughs. "Why should I?"

"Why should I?" Jilly has a harsh laugh and it's a little frightening. "Why not?"

"Yeah. Why shouldn't I make fun of your brother for being a liar. An uneducated liar. Just like you."

"STEPH IS NOT A LIAR." Jilly howls at Belle. She's falling for the gaslighting.

"Belle," I take her shoulders and back her up. "Stop."

"Oh so you think that calling her out on her bullshit is bad?" I push Belle out of the studio. We have ten minutes left.

"Yes. I think scrutinizing another student is bad. Wait out here until your parents come."

"You're not going to yell at her?"

"I'll send her brother an email about it, but she wasn't in the wrong." I sigh. "If you keep this up, I'll move you out of the elites class."

"My father will hear about this."


"And, and," She stutters. "And I'll get you fired."

"Belle, you can't gaslight people, okay? And I get it about Steph and Jilly, but that's no reason to take it out on me."

"Who said I took it out on you?" She crosses her arms. The door pulls open.

He's sweaty and gross and he doesn't look like he's showered after practice. Steph finally looks like he's coming from the rink and it hurts. He's got a slight black eye still from when Gabby punched him. It's blue in the upper corner and brown and yellow by his nose.

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