Chapter 29 Part 2: So You Totally F*cked Him (bonus)

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I wrote this in ten minutes and wanted to throw it in. Enjoy



I'm clearly way to chipper for a Saturday practice. Normally the guys hate these, but we have to go hard if we want our Sundays off.

I'm practically skipping into work. I know for god's sake that I should feel guilty that I'm lying to her, I know that pressure has been building for weeks now, but I can't get over my own damn euphoria.

I'm crazy about her, crazy I tell you.

"What's with the grin, Saggy?" Nico picks up on my mood immediately, her eyes driving into mine like they do to everyone, tearing me apart and finding the weakness. She picks it out pretty fucking quick, the light bruises up my neck, the one nail mark that I can feel creeping out of the back of my shirt.

She doesn't have all the proof she needs. "Fenrir, dear?"

He looks up at her. "Yes?"

"Pull down the back of Stephan's collar for me."

"Why?" He's frowning at the two of us.

"I want to see something." She's studying me front to back and I just simply don't care. I'm still on cloud 9 after all that. He stands up and I don't shy away from his hand. He peeps down my shirt.

"Jeez, kid, she grill you or some shit?" Fen's laughing, "Nico, hon, you've got competition."

She just laughs. "I knew it. I knew it. He's got that post-fuck high look still on his face. Jesus, Sagamore, you're an open book."

Rocket is late, roaring into the cafeteria with a coffee still in his hand. "The hell did I miss?" He calls into the mostly empty room. The guys are all off warming up for practice that starts in fifteen minutes.

"Your best friend getting laid." Fen snorts, "check it out." He pulls up the back of my shirt and I feel the cold breeze and jump away from his hands.

"No need, no need." I snort, still to blissful to care.

"Yeah, look at him, he looks high." Rocket just shakes his head, laughing. "You're so totally whipped."

"I'm not!" I try to back off from the situation but the three of them are just laughing.

"Yes, yes you are, oh my god." Nico takes a sip of water. "It's a good look on you, I'm serious."

I give her a little scowl.

Rocket stops me before I can utter a word in response. "So how was it? I assume that's why you didn't answer my texts to come over and play video games with me, right?"

"Yeah, sorry I missed that."

Rocket passes it off. "Oh, please, never give up getting your balls fondled for me and a lousy game of COD anyway, even if Yeti Rex is a shitty substitute."

"I did no such-"

Nico grins and takes a dig into me. "I'm sure it was absolutely adorable, great set up, roses and everything."

I flush furiously. Rocket knows I hate gestures like that after Morgan. "No roses. She took me dancing."

Fen lets out a groan, then laughs. "Oh, no, dancing."

"It was fun! I'm pretty fucking shit at ballet but she seemed okay with that!" I laugh.

Nico is grinning, shaking her head. "Oh, bud, I know you're all crazed in the head over her but you do realize the guidelines set up for you, right?"

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