Chapter 34: Bingo at a Bar Part 1

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OKAY, SO, for those of you who have read PO, they do go camping this year, I just decided it wasn't vital to the plot so I skippy-skippy-ed that couple scenes. You remember Casey's? Hell f*cking yeah, we're back. 

FOR THOSE OF YOU THAT HAVEN'T, I don't blame you, lmao, but, last year, as part of the team bonding thing, Nico shipped all of them out the weekend before the three days off at Christmas for a campout, which was fun, but it was vital in the story of Fen and Nico. Then, three days later, the night before the day before break, they went drinking and that is also vital. This has turned into a tradition with the boys, and the next day afterward is called 'hungover hell' where Nico kills their asses and then sets them free for a couple of days. 

also I'm so (not) sorry about the cliffhanger at the end of this

wednesday's chapter posted at 11:57 on a tuesday because i'm IMPATIENT.




"You're going out to a bar with your teammates, Stephan," Jilly has her arms crossed at me, "you look like a little catholic boy going to camp."


"Jesus camp."

I turn around and look at myself in the mirror. "It's literally the only thing I own," Bowtie, collared shirt, pants. "It's dressy enough."

"Did you see what Fen and Langley wore last year? There's no way you're getting away with that." Jilly tosses me her phone and I only manage to catch it after smacking it around in the air for a moment.

Fen is in a t-shirt and black jeans. His underlayer is very emo, but he's wearing a grey blazer on top. His ring is proudly out of his shirt, and his hair seems to be completely unstyled. Langley is wearing a hoodie with the sleeves off and faded jeans. Again, his hair is too messy.

"Come on, Steph," Jilly sighs. "I know you don't like going out and I know your plan is to only have one drink, but, you should at least not look like a youth pastor."

I wave my hand. "Fine, what should I wear."

That gives her quite the evil grin. "I'll be right back," Then I'm standing there, worried about what she's doing, and getting repeatedly texted by Rocket.

ROCKET: I'm literally going to come in and haul your ass out the door

STEPH: give me like 30 seconds,

STEPH: Jilly is trying to make it look like I'm not a youth pastor

ROCKET: we're only going to be there for at most a half-hour and then straight home with you

ROCKET: I will literally tie you to my hip so you don't run off. We can't have another Boston happening.

STEPH: Yeah, yeah, I know, I'll probably only drink water, whatever

ROCKET: a good decision.

ROCKET: Okay I'm coming in. why does everything take so long with the Sagamores

STEPH: dunno

"This." Jilly hands me four hangers at the same time.


"Go put it on, I don't care if you don't wear the catholic minister look to the bar, I just want you to put this on first."

I look at her for a second. "Fine, fine."

I'm in the bathroom for about thirty seconds before I hear. "Oh, hey Rocket."

"Hey, Jills, what's he doing and why is it taking so long," I hear the clang of the cookie dish. "Because Gage said he's got limited copies of bingo and I want one."

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