Chapter 51: Jilly Has Plans

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*gasps* another double update?

yes, yes, okay, just that Friday's chapter is big shit and I want it to happen sooner rather than later cuz i'm ✨impatient✨

anyway, I've been watching this story's stats and most of you are in the 18-25 age range (according to the probably finicky system) which means most of you are older than me, which is funky cuz I feel like a little kid with a science fair project presenting to all adults like "hey, do you like my vinegar volcano? pretty snazzy, right?"






"Are you still mad at me?" Steph knocks on my bedroom door and I pull out my headphones.


"Can you be not mad soon?"

"Not until you apologize to her."

"Come on, we can't fight about this forever. I really doubt she wants to talk to me."

I groan. "Come on, Steph, you've been sulking for like four weeks now. Your game has tanked and you're getting less and less sleep. I want to see you get some energy back. And even though I hated the PDA all the time when she was around, I liked you with her." 

I'm right about his game. He's played around 8 since the August thing happened and that's a good chunk of a full season. He's scored maybe once, made a couple of assists, had a couple good moments, but that's crazy awful for Steph. I mean, he looks like walking lead on the ice. It's like his skates are made of concrete and his gloves were put in the freezer. He makes stupid turnovers and if he doesn't shape the fuck up, Nico is going to put him on the second line. He's throwing a wrench in the team dynamics too, sulking all over the place. Don't get me wrong, I love my brother, but goddamn he needs to grow a pair. 

"I know, okay, I know."

"Also, you have a game tomorrow, go to bed."

"Yeah, I- yeah."


"Hey August." I'm at ballet ridiculously early, but with purpose. If Steph doesn't grow his own balls I'll grow them for him. In the least gross way possible. 

"Jilly? We still have a half hour."

"I know, I need to ask you something." I sit down in the waiting room area and she sits across from me. "Did Rocket go through with the whole talking to Gabby thing?"

"Yeah, Rocket and Gabby talked."

"Good, he followed my directions then." I run my hands through my hair, taking a minute to breathe.

"You organized that?"

"Yeah? Rocket doesn't come up with ideas like that, Jorgen texted me and I did the rest."

August chews her lip. "Alright, yeah, they talked."

"Did you talk with Gabby afterward?" August runs her hands over her face.

"Yeah, and I watched the draft video, I don't know," She takes a deep breath. "I guess I forgive him, kinda, but I just want to talk to him about it."

"Yeah, that makes sense." I start to unpack my ballet bag and let there be silence for a moment. "So, they're playing Detroit tonight. It should be a fun game, you know," I stop and bite my lip. "I've got season tickets, and normally I go with my soviet fairy godmother, but if you want, you can come too."

"To a game?"

"Yep." Glass seats too, they've yet to kick the WAGs out and up to a box so we're still in top-10 seating. 

"Will he be mad if I'm there?"

I shake my head. "No, not at all. It's Steph." I shrug. "I just think that maybe seeing him play would make it a little easier to talk to him later."

"Yeah, yeah," August is staring off into space. "What's he like, you know, in hockey, Zak said..." she trails off.

I have to smile at this. "He's good. He's crazy good." I take a deep breath. "One of the fastest in the league, highest scoring defenseman on the Wolves, he's one of the guys that most people can name off the top of their head when you ask them about hockey."

She seems stunned. "yeah."

"He's good."

"I feel like I should've known all this, if he's that important."

I stifle a smile. "Honestly, I have no idea how you missed it."

"I mean, now that I think about it, it was quite literally obvious."

"Belle bothers me about it every single day. She's into their draft pick from last year, Jake Teller. I don't think she knows he's not even on the team yet."

August smiles a little. "God, I must be crazy for not seeing it sooner."

"I mean, who would've guessed, but seriously, his name is Stephan, my name is Sagamore. The Gallagher thing was so easy to see through."

"I guess so."

"So do you want to come?"

"To the game?" She rubs the spot behind her ear. "I mean, I guess I can, but are you sure he's not going to mind that I'm there?"

"Honest, he'll probably not notice unless I get one of the Russians' wife to allow us to sit in the front, then it's easy, you go, you watch, I tell him you came, I don't know, but it will all work out."

"So it's tonight, like, what time?"

"It's a seven thirty game, I'll have Helen come get you around 6:15, and you'll be back at maybe 10:30."

"Jeez." She mumbles. "A whole entire Friday night of Steph."


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