Epilogue 3

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I am: tired

this is all




"Okay, dear god," I rake my hands through my hair. "I have pajamas, a change of clothes, the clothes I'm in now and that's it. Do you think that's good enough?"

Rocket shrugs. "Shouldn't you bring swim clothes? She lives on the beach."

"Rocket, it's March." Yeti mumbles from the other side of the hotel room.

"Oh, good point." Rocket looks up at him, nodding. "In that case, jackets?"

"Hoodies and the firebirds jacket, do you think I need something heavier?"



I look between the two of them. Yeti speaks up first. "It's no Regina but it's still below freezing."

"Okay, good point," I grab a coat and pull it on over my shoulders. "Okay, do I need anything else."

"Toothbrush," Yeti mumbles.

"I should keep you around, Yets, you're like Rocket but smarter."

"HEY!" Rocket objects. "Also, don't you do this like all the time? Every roadie?"

"Yes, I do, but it's August." I groan, tossing my toothbrush into my overnight bag. "So, you two are driving me out?"

"And picking you up." Rocket grins rather evilly at me. "Better not have to pick you up too early, can't afford to fuck it up with her parents."


"The fact that you two are still friends amazes me." Yeti says, looking between the two of us. "Alright, that should be everything you need, let's get going."

I sling my backpack up over my shoulders and then pull out my phone.

STEPH: leaving now

AUGUST: watch the traffic on the highway and remember that you need to take the Bourne bridge not the Sagamore bridge.

STEPH: ........... Yets was just gonna google map it, but you know, that works too

AUGUST: and would you be okay with chili for dinner? Mom is in a soup phase

STEPH: ofc. I'll just gas the plane out tomorrow, it'll be fine.

AUGUST: can't tell if that was sarcastic or not but I'm sure the boys will love you for that

STEPH: assuming they don't murder me, yes

"Bye Nico!" Rocket waves at our coach as she walks down the hotel hallway. "We're going to drop off Steph so he can get his dick wet!"

I smack him upside the head. "I'm not-"

"Have fun! Use protection!" Nico laughs.

"I'M NOT-"

"Oh we all know you are, you're too sexy to ignore." Rocket gives me an evil little giggle and then takes off, knowing I'm going to chase him.



I honestly fight the urge to sit at the front window and watch the road waiting for him.

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