Epilogue: 5

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Before we get into the story, I'd like to make a short little statement up here. 

Alongside the NHL's recent actions to stop postseason play for a few days to stand in solidarity of Jacob Blake and BLM, I would like to say I support the same reasoning and topics on this account. 

While I understand that hockey is quite literally one of the most racist and toxic groups of people in sports out there, I am prepared to accept any reader loss I might get due to saying that I stand with BLM. 

Hockey is an elitist sport: it costs a lot of money and it's time consuming. Hockey players need to be prepared to commute and have parents that can take them places. This means that people in large families and poorer families often can't play. This also means, because of the sheer amount of people that can't afford the gear and the ice times, there's a severe lack of representation in the sport. 

However lacking in diversity, I still want it to be an inclusive sport. I want people to be able to enjoy it without worrying about racial prejudice. 

So, I fully support BLM and I am kindly asking anyone who doesn't to get off my account. I hope that people who want to ignore the disgusting and terrifying violations of human rights will take time to realize that they are part of the problem and to realize they're privileged enough to get to ignore these issues. 

Don't support my work if you don't support human rights. 




"Agh! Why the fuck did I bring up the Morgan thing!" Steph flops into the passenger seat of my dad's truck, running his hands through his hair as he does so. "I mean, what fucking parent is going to be thrilled with their kid bringing home a fucking hockey player in the first place and then he decides to just bring up that his ex is a fucking model? What the hell!"

"Hey, hey," I grab his wrists and pull them gently out of his hair. "You're fine, it's alright, I doubt they care. You were just keeping the conversation alive by telling a story."

"But I didn't have to bring up the Morgan thing, that was straight up stupid of me."

Yes, yes it probably was. "Steph, listen to me, they aren't going to care."

"I still feel like shit for it, and in front of you too? I'm sorry if that made you feel jealous or something, you know, because she's all famous or whatever."

"No, Steph, it didn't," I put the car into gear but don't move, instead just looking over at him. "I can't be 'jealous' or whatever of someone that treated you like that. Frankly, I don't care about all the stuff that other people might think about that. Plus, being used for a name and then them not noticing when you guys wandered off must've sucked."

"It did," he mumbles. "But I didn't know that was a bad thing. Can we change the topic?"

"Yeah, what beach do you want to go to? Big waves or little waves. Bayside or oceanside."

"Oh, big waves." He gets a little smile at this. "Not like we're going to be able to swim or whatever because it's March, but big waves."


After finishing up quite literally the fastest round of dishes I've ever done in my entire life, the family gathers back around the table in what Tristan seems comfortable with, but I've never seen before. I guess they did this when I brought home Tay as well.

"So, what do we think of him?" My mom starts off.

"He's chill, I like him." Tristan says, looking around the other three of us. "I mean, he's nice enough, has some funny stories, he seems like a genuinely good guy."

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