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I just finished admitting a new patient, sitting down at my desk with a huff. 

It was so much work getting everything ready and she was the third patient today. 

I have to set up their schedules with their assigned doctor, make sure their room are set up and correlate all of the details with the hospital. 

I have to make sure there's an ample amount of guards on duty in case of resistance and make sure they settle in okay. 

I closed my eyes for a second, stretching out my legs, happy to finally be sitting. 

"Hey Opal!" I heard a familiar voice in front of me. 

I sighed. So much for a moment of peace. 

I opened my eyes, slipping on my signature smile. 

"Hey Dylan, what's up?" 

"Long day?" He asked. 

"Very long, and I was just about to head out unless you need something." 

He shook his head, "Nope, let me walk you out." 

He walked me to the door, chatting my ear off.

I felt bad for being less than enthusiastic but I was just completely exhausted. 

"You seem really quiet today." 

There it is. 

I smiled reassuringly, trying to summon as much energy as possible. 

"I'm fine, sorry Dyl, just tired." 

He nodded. 

I gave him a hug before saying goodbye and heading to my car. 

I drove home, trying to stifle my yawns as I pulled up into the driveway. 

I checked the time, 


I have got to stop working so late. 

I entered my apartment, sighing at how empty it was before making myself a quick PB&J before heading to bed.

I live with my boyfriend, Jake but he's a cop and always seems to be stuck on the night shift so I don't see him very often.  

I woke up to my alarm blaring hakuna matata and sat up with a smile. I always tried to wake up in the best way possible because I find it really shapes how my days go. If I wake up cheerful I'll have a cheerful day. 

I stretched feeling much better, back to my peppy self. 

I got up, changing into my workout clothes and went out for a jog as I watched the sun rise. 

I got home, showered, grabbed a banana and headed off to work. 

Jake still hadn't come home, so I decided to call him on my drive down. 

"Hey Siri, call Jake." I told my car. 

It rung a bunch of times and right when I was about to give up he picked up. 

"Hello?" His voice boomed over the speakers. 

"Hey Jakey, its Opal." 

"Hey hun, I'm sorry I got stuck on the night shift again last night." 

"Don't worry about it, its not your fault. Are you home tonight? I was thinking date night, its been forever." 

"I'm sorry babe but I'm working again tonight." 

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