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I woke up and went through my same routine. I got ready, made Kate and I some pancakes and then made the valet man and I some coffee. 

I drove to work, feeling better than I had in a while. I didn't have Jake weighing me down anymore. I felt a little fidgety though. Every time I thought about 32 I couldn't help but squirm, my body full of nerves. 

I don't know what Dr. Shawl wanted me to do but it was safe to say I was excited, my job could get a little boring and repetitive at times, it was nice to finally change things up. 

Once I got out of my car I hopped up and down a little, trying to shake out the nerves. 

"Excited?" Someone chuckled from behind me. 

I turned around to see an amused Dylan and gave him a big smile. 


He laughed as we walked in and I couldn't fight the smile off my face. 

I clung onto his hand, happily trying not to literally skip into the room. 

I frowned when we passed Dylan's post. I stopped, turning to him. 

He looked at my confused face and chuckled, "I told you I was going to keep you safe from 32, I don't understand why you're surprised." 


"I got special permission to guard that room to make sure you stay safe." He said, dragging me along to 32's room. 

I was about to question him more when I felt the familiar feeling bubble up within me. I felt even more on edge and fidgety as I tightened my hold on Dylan. 

Dr. Shawl was already there, creating us with a large smile. 

"Opal!" He exclaimed, looking like he finally had a good night's sleep. 

He smiled huge, "Come, come, don't worry we'll start with something really simple." 

I nodded walking up to the doctor. 

"The curtains and everything is already open and the patient is in his same place. I just want you to sit on the chairs in front of the window and I'll analyze his reactions and such. 

I nodded, smiling nervously, fidgeting with my fingers a little. 

As soon as I came into view of the window 32 was back at the window, staring right into my eyes. 

Shawl laughed in the background, looking beyond excited. "I've never seen this before! He's seen plenty of women, some that even look like you but nothing!" 

I wanted to listen to him but I had a really hard time concentrating. Even though this was the third time I'd seen his eyes they still completely caught me off guard and I couldn't help but stare. 

After a couple minutes I finally was able to concentrate back on the doctor. 

"Okay, Opal, I want you to use this microphone to try talking to him, he hasn't said a word so far but you never know!" 

I nodded, taking a seat in front of the microphone. 32 moved with me, making the least amount of space between us possible, his nose so close to the glass it was fogging up a little from his breath. 

He watched me carefully as I fumbled with the buttons on the microphone before finally figuring it out. 

What am I supposed to say? 

I turned to Shawl for help but he just gestured with his hands to go ahead while giving me n encouraging smile. 

"Uh - h-hello?" I said, blushing in embarrassment at my lame attempt. 

The Patient Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang