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King looked at me in shock and confusion, stepping back a little looking me up and down. Rob snapped us out of it by chuckling in the background. 

"What did you think it would all just come back at once? It'll come back through triggers, don't worry." 

King and I both breathed a sigh of relief. I really hope this works. My whole life I've been dying to know what happened in all of those years. To remember my parents. 

"How did you know I was your mate? I mean, you must have known to send Rob out to protect me." 

He smiles, "I met you a couple days before you left. We were young but I somehow knew who you were. My father sent Rob to look after you until we were old enough to be together." 

I nodded along as I noticed a shadow appearing in the sky getting closer. My eyes widened as I realized it was coming at us. 

"Shit, do you guys see that?" I asked. 

They both looked up with a smile. King stepped away from me with a huge smile. 

He opened his arms and laughed. "Beast!" He exclaimed. 

"They are really literal with their names aren't they?" I asked rob who chuckled along, nodding his head in agreement.

Beast landed right in front of King, bowing to him a little bit before sitting dutifully. 

"Beast, I'd like to introduce you to Opal." He said in his deep silky voice. 

Beast looked up and locked eyes with me. For some reason I didn't even feel the slightest bit scared, on the contrary I felt very safe and happy. 

Beast stood to his feet and slowly stalked over to me, head low and threatening as he bared his teeth. 

"Beast! No!" King yelled, seeming to get a little frantic. 

The humongous dragon just flicked him with his tail, sending him flying a few meters, knocking the wind out of him but not hurting him. 

King leapt back to his feet but just got flicked away again as Beast got closer. 

"STOP! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" King was now yelling, looking panicked as he was only about a foot away from my face. I smiled as Beast stopped bearing his teeth to sniff me. Once he did he curled around me, turning to the other two men and snarled. 

They both stood back completely taken aback from what just happened. I laughed and stroked his scales a little as he started to put gently, soothing me just like King did in the hospital any time he would hold me. 

Rob burst into a full on laughter as King just looked at him, dumbfounded but also clearly relieved. 

 In that moment a rush of memories overtook me, flashing behind my eyes, revealing themselves again. 

Dragons have always loved and been protective over me. When I was a kid I met a couple and they had almost the exact same reaction. My mother was terrified, she thought we were both going to die and pulled us in the other direction but I escaped her hold. I ran right towards the dragons and hugged their legs. They were wild, untamed, but they would listen to me always, no matter what. 

My mother. I remember her. She was a fae. She was beautiful and strong. I don't remember everything but I remember her. We lived together, just her and I in the forests. But why? 

As soon as the realization that I am part far dawned on me I felt my body fill with power, with magic. I glowed a little and felt myself change. My teeth became sharper, my hair became longer and more shiny and beautiful. My ears turned to a point and my eyes actually grew larger and brighter. Soon enough I was standing in front of them, bright blue eyes shinning at two shocked men. 

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