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I bounced into work smiling at everyone. People always stare at me as I walk by, it's strange but its been happening for as long as I can remember so I can just shake it off. 

"Hey Dr. Shawl!" I called out to my favorite doctor. 

"Hey little Locke! How's my favorite little worker bee doing?" 

I giggled giving his huge frame a hug. 

"A little overwhelmed with this new patient coming but nothing I can't handle." I said, waving my hand before waving goodbye and bouncing back to work. 

I wonder who's coming that would have this much panic and preparation surrounding them. I'm pretty excited!

I've been helping Dr. Shawl out with a lot of the patients and I was told to add the new patient, patient 32, to his schedule, meaning I'll most likely get to help out with this mysterious person. 

I quickly had everything set up and called in the extra guards to make sure everything is safe. 

Dylan, my best friend was assigned to me a while back and will probably be arriving soon. He just follows me around making sure everything is good and safe. Its a little annoying but I appreciate how much he cares and I understand that my job can be dangerous... 

Once everything was prepared I made my way to the front office. The guards were all surrounding the area, ready to jump in if necessary. Dylan was standing right behind me, ready to pounce like a little guard dog but I was too excited to care. 

We heard the truck that transports patients pull up and doctors swarmed out. I couldn't see much until they finally started making their way over to us, surrounding someone. When they all walked in the guards seemed oddly calm but I just brushed it off, trying to get a peek at our newest addition but there was someone blocking him from my view. 

I stood onto my tippy toes, squinting my eyes but I couldn't see anything. I could hear Dylan snickering behind me, probably finding my curiosity amusing but I couldn't care less, I just wanted to see, something inside of me was pulling towards him and I just had to get a peek. 

Finally the man who was blocking him from view moved a little and I got a full view. He was gigantic, towering over all the others and definitely buff in all the best ways while still being fairly lean. 

I moved my eyes over his body, appreciating it. When I finally looked up to his eyes I found them on me. Watching. 

I found myself completely captivated and couldn't help but tense up. I could hear my heartbeat in my ears and my knees felt weak as I leaned against the desk a little. His eyes followed me the entire time he walked away, turning his head to look back at me before he finally disappeared behind the wall. 

Finally I snapped out of it, blushing a little once I noticed everyone staring at me as I gawked at the beautiful specimen that just walked in. 

I fanned my face a little, giggling to myself when I turned around to an angry looking Dylan. 

He was looking off into the distance furiously, looking like he was about to burst and go chasing after him. 

I reached up, touching his arm a little with a concerned expression on my face. 

"Dylan? You okay?" I asked and he snapped out of it. H turned his head back to me and his face softened.

"Ya, ya I'm totally fine. Sorry. Just, stay away from that one okay?" 

"Dylan..." I drawled out but he shook his head. 


"You're not my parent or my boss, you can't tell me what to do." 

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