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I turned to King with a questioning gaze. 

"This isn't your room." I stated. 

He looked taken aback for a second before nodding. "Very smart..." He muttered. 

I crossed my arms and gave him a face that said 'you better start talking' and he sighed. 

"We're not sharing a room." 

I nodded. I knew that already. 


"Its complicated." 

"This is a temporary thing right?" 

King stared at the ground, shuffling his feet a little. This is the first time I've ever seen him act nervous. 

"No, it isn't. You won't be able to stay in my room." 

"Why not?" 

"I'll tell you when you need to know, for now just get settled, someone is coming here for you to get measured so we can get you some nice clothes." 

"King, tell me now." I said, to which he looked around nervously. 

"Oh look, the dress maker's here. Well, I'll leave you to it!" He said and quickly made his exit. 

"KING! GET BACK HERE NOW!" I yelled but it was too late. Oh, I'll figure it out, you can trust me on that. 

I huffed in annoyance then turned my attention to the nervous looking woman that just entered. I smiled kindly. 

"Hi, I'm Opal." I said smiling as I approached her. 

She was staring at the floor nervously but slowly lifted her eyes to look into mine for a second. As soon as she did she returned her gaze to the floor. Well, this is not okay. 

"Hey," I said, "Look at me." 

She hesitantly lifted her eyes, switching between the floor and me. 

I kept my reassuring smile, "Its just me and you, no need to look at the ground or any of that. We're friends now, okay?" 

"But, my Lady-" she tried but I cut her off. 

"No, no, none of that, you will call me Opal and you will look in my eyes like my equal because that is what you are. Okay?" 

"Yes, my la- Opal." 

I gave her a large smile as she stood up straighter, still seeming nervous but a little more confident. It looks like she's a dragon, probably just a weaker one which is a rare thing for their kind. 

We walked over to the middle of the room where she begun measuring me, noting down my numbers in her little notebook. She looked sweet with her black hair tied up into a messy bun resting atop her head. 

"What's your name?" 

"Kiara, my lay-Opal." 

"How long have you worked for the royal family, Kiara?" 

She smiled, seeming to relax a little. 

"About 3 years now, it is the only job I could find since I'm not much of a warrior, but it pays well and I love making dresses for people, bringing out their colors and style to make them look their best. I just love seeing the transformation! I also do makeup and hair, its safe to say that I'm always busy." She started, telling me all about her life. 

It was nice talking to Kiara, she was really down to earth and sweet, especially for a dragon. 

"Do you have a husband?" 

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