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I guess its my fault for following a guy that tried to break me out of a mental hospital into a creepy van and let him drive away with me without any explanations...

My heart leapt into my throat and my stomach did summersaults as we fell to our death.

Rob looked completely relaxed, even sporting a victorious smile, going as far as putting his hands up in the air as we catapulted to the ground.

Okay, I'm starting to think he should've been the one in the cell, not me. How is this man a doctor to help the sick? Just... how?

Okay, we've been falling for a really long time now. Its been a solid minute which makes absolutely no sense. We should definitely be dead by now. Rob is now laughing at my expression of horror, finally dropping his hands back onto his lap.


oh geez why's he counting down?



I gripped onto my seat even harder as a bright light starts to form around us.


The bright light glows and glows until its surrounding the entire car.


Suddenly the feeling of falling is gone and I feel weightless instead.

Is this heaven? Did I die and it was so fast that it was like it never happened? God, that would be really nice.

The weightless feeling stopped and everything felt normal again as I settled into my seat comfortably. The bright lights dulled down until we were sitting in the car in the middle of a giant meadow, completely unharmed.

I looked to Rob who was smiling widely at me. "Are we in heaven?" I asked quietly, still extremely shaken up.

Rob burst out a laugh, shaking his head at me. "No, princess, we're not in heaven. Not yet at least."

"Then where the hell are we?"

"The magic realm."

"What the hell?"

"I feel like the name is pretty self-explanatory princess." Rob chuckled a little.

"I swear to god Robert you better start explaining." I said in my most threatening voice but that just made him laugh again.

I screeched in frustration, throwing my head back and my arms in the air.

"I'm sorry" He got out through laughs.

Just as he was about to explain he was cut off by a knock on my window. I slowly turned around, fear taking over me again as I peaked through the glass.

There was standing 32 with a large smile on his face. "Opal." He said gently, his smile growing as he took in my shocked facial expressions. He opened my door and undid my seat-belt but I just stared at him with wide eyes.

I then reached out and pinched him. Hard.

He yelped, jumping back a little and holding his arm.

"What the fuck, Opal?" He burst out which just freaked me out even more. I'm having a really hard time telling if this was a dream. If it is, maybe I should just go along with it...

"You... talk?" I got out slowly, taking in the beautiful scenery around me as I carefully got out of the car, eyeing both of the men suspiciously, ready to bolt at any second if necessary.

"Of course I talk, what, do you think I'm stupid?" He said, still rubbing his arms where I pinched him. Big baby.

I threw my hands up in the air, "Kind of! If you could talk why the fuck were you acting like you didn't! I know I'm dreaming so you guys can let me out now. I'm ready to wake up. Maybe this is why I'm still stuck in that freaking hospital, I clearly have some weird obsession with 32 if I'm dreaming him and Rob saved me and then threw us off a cliff just to end up in some weird meadow." I ranted, starting to pace the space just a little, balling my fists in frustration.

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