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I've been staying with Kate for a week now and today was Sunday, the day I go back home... 

I sighed, making sure my room looked perfect before I left. I went outside and made Kate and I chocolate chip pancakes, her favorite. 

Once I was finished she finally managed to drag herself out of her room. 

"Good morning!" I chirped, placing the stack of pancakes in front of her. 

She scowled at me. 

"How is it that you haven't been admitted to the mental hospital you worked at yet? No one should ever be this peppy in the morning." 

I just giggled, sipping on my orange juice, picking at a pancake. 

Kate noticed this and gave me a death stare, "Eat." She ordered and I sighed, knowing better than to oppose her in the morning. 

I forced the pancakes down, trying not to throw them right back up. 

For the past week I haven't been able to eat. I've lost a lot of weight so now Kate keeps forcing me. I completely lost my appetite since the break up. 

I was with him for 3 years! I gave 3 years of my life to that pig. 

Kate and I have spent the entire week getting over him. 

We started with crying ice-cream and movies, then we went out to do some therapeutic shopping where Kate bought me a ton despite my saying no. She said it was therapeutic for her to buy things for me so I was just going to have to deal with it. 

Finally last night we went out to a club and got drunk as hell and danced all night. 

I checked the time, 4:00pm. We really slept in. 

I sighed knowing I had to go back to my apartment now. It was going to be really hard, all the memories. 

"Hey Opal?" Kate said quietly, looking really nervous as she fiddled with her fingers.


"I-I was wondering. Do you think you could- uh- move in with me p-permanently?"

I frowned shaking my head, "I can't afford this place and I can't intrude like that." 

"Please, I don't care about money I have an unlimited amount, if it makes you feel better you can pay the same rent towards this place because I know you hate when I pay for stuff but my place is so lonely without you and I really want the company. Please? It would be so much fun and I know I can be annoying but-" 

"Kate!" I cut her off and she looked at me with wide eyes that started to water a little. 

"I was just so lonely before you came and I don't want you to go." She mumbled out softly. 

I smiled at her when she looked up with wide eyes, "I'd love to Kate." 

"Really?" She asked, sniffling. 

"Really." I confirmed giggling as she leaped onto me, giving me a huge hug squealing. 

"I'll come help you pack!" She excalimed, leaping off to her room, making me laugh. 

I was so happy. I didn't want to go back and live in that place, and I loved Kate this past week with Kate, she was somehow already like the sister I never had. 

By the end of the night we had transferred all my stuff into her apartment and somehow managed to unpack it all. 

It hurt seeing the apartment so empty, especially seeing all of Jake's stuff gone, I was just so happy to be moving in with Kate, away from here. 

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