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I woke up with my usual chirpy attitude, hugging my new best friend Kate. I moved in with her about 2 months ago and I couldn't appreciate her more. Everything in me still aches but she, Dylan and Thirty-two have really helped me through everything. 

Jake broke my heart, I couldn't help but continue to replay the day in my mind. One of the worst days of my life, apart from when my parents died or when my grandmother died of course. 

I walked back into my apartment, Jake had been really distant lately but I just brushed it off. 


I walked into the living room after throwing off my shoes and purse, throwing my feet up after a long day. I just couldn't stop thinking about 32. The way he held me and looked at me, the way he said my name... 

Of course nothing could ever happen because he was a patient at the mental hospital and I was his doctor but I was really struggling. I've spent countless days with him, trying to teach him and help him. Although he's extremely stubborn its hard not to grow an attachment to him...

He's just so... handsome, and strong. I feel so safe when I'm with him. I can't help but want to touch and hold him every time I see him and he's all I can think of while I'm away. I'm starting to contemplate going to see him at night. No one has to know, but it would feel so good to have him hold me while I slept. 

I sighed, relaxing onto the couch shaking the thoughts out of my head. Trying to get those amazing eyes out of my mind. 

I don't really know who he is, chances are he doesn't even care about me. I don't know if he would comfort me if I needed him or make me happy on my bad days. Still the only word he's said is my name which is a problem in itself. 

Not to mention I am very devoted to my boyfriend Jake. He might not be the most attentive or caring. He's kind of mean and messy and not the most handsome man I've ever met, but he caught me at a bad time and its not like there's someone better out there who would be interested in someone like me...

Stop thinking like that, I scolded myself when Jake sauntered into the room. 

He stunk of booze so I knew he'd been drinking although right now he just looked hungover. He got kicked off of the police force recently for his drinking and drug problems that have only gotten exponentially worse ever since. 

Some days I contemplated leaving him but I don't know what I would do if I was alone. I can't be alone, I just can't. If I have to financially support Jake and put up with his drinking problems then that's what I have to do. That's what a good girlfriend would do. As long as he wants me he can have me. 

"Opal, we need to talk." He said quietly, rubbing his eyes and that in itself should have set alarms off in my head. 

"What's wrong?" I asked, standing up and giving him a little massage since he seemed uncomfortable. 

He slapped my hands away before scowling at me. 

"You need to get out." 

"I--I'm sorry?" 

"You heard me. I want you out of my house."

its my house actually... 

"Jake... What's going on?" 

"I've had enough of your worthless annoying ass. I was only with you because you cook and clean after me but really you can't even do that right so I'm kicking you out." He explained slowly like he was talking to a toddler. 

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