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About two minutes into the flight I was already regretting all my decisions. 

Fuck Fuck Fuck

What did I just do? 

I just blew up their ballroom because my mate didn't want me to be queen... 

I just stole all of their dragons. I mean, why? Who needs an entire flock of dragons? Where would I keep them? No chance I could feed them all... 


But I said it as an exit line, trying to be cool and leave him all shocked you know. Like that last, you'll remember me forever BOOM moment? Ya... I fucked it up. I could've just left peacefully. I'm not good at getting mad either, why did I think I would suddenly become good? 

I get why they didn't want me to reign a whole kingdom, a man says he doesn't want me and I have an insane meltdown in which I risked many many lives and destroyed a hundred year old building. 

I guess I could send them back... 

Yes! I'll send em back. No chance I can keep them and I mean, who am I to take their dragons? 

Oh my god I'm such a drama queen I need to chill the fuck out. CONTROL YOUR EMOTIONS YOU PSYCHOPATH!

Urgh... I feel so stupid. 

I came to a stop, hovering over the ground about a twenty minute fly from their kingdom grounds and turned to the other dragons. I told them all to turn around and fly home but I chose the one closest to me and planted a message into its mind. 

"Go to see King and say 'Just Kidding, haha, I wouldn't steal your dragons, I'm not crazy like that. But, I could've if I wanted to... So, ya, do with that what you will." 

He nodded his giant head and flew away with the others. I decided to keep Ice though, she wasn't officially owned or had any attachment to anyone there anyways so it wouldn't really do any harm. 

Ya, I feel good about me message... 

God I'm such an awkward loser sometimes. Why couldn't I say something witty and cool I sound like an idiot! 

I looked to see if I could catch the dragon on time to change the message but he was long gone. 

Oh fuck it, its done now... Not like I'll ever see him again. 

With that I went back out in a random direction, no place in mind just hoping something comes to me. 

The entire ride I was groaning and ranting to poor Ice about how much of an awkward idiot I was. 

It was cool that I could use all the elements though... I didn't have very good control over them but I could manage them. 

I'm pretty worried about my temper though. What I did was basically the exact opposite nature of a fae... They would've just accepted what they were given and said no, but thank you for the offer or I understand or something. But no, I blew up a building.







Dumb bitch. 

Okay, I've got to stop obsessing over this. Just relaaaax, enjoy the ride.

I close my eyes for a second before looking around and enjoying the scenery. I still had that giant pit of regret floating around in my stomach but I felt a little better. I noticed a kingdom appearing and thought, what the hell. Why not. 

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