meeting her and wanting to strangle her

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"What do you think Pat's doing right now?" Unlike her usual duties of being a dermatologist, Persephone sat behind the front desk beside Leanne.

"Probably trying to get her boyfriend to suck up to her strict catholic parents" Leanne replied, all tension from that morning seemingly forgotten.

"How long does her shift go for?" She tapped a pen to the top of the table in a steady rhythm.

"Till 9:30" Leanne's incessant tapping of the keyboard as she typed was somewhat calming in the practically empty lobby.

The small clock that sat on the desk pointed out the time, half an hour left to go.

Persephone had decided that she would go to the club that evening after the shift to go and see Aric. Hopefully, once she sees him, her feelings will be renewed and all confusion that Hades had caused will be cleared up.

"It's not going to get busier, you can probably go" Leanne broke the silence, not breaking her gaze from the computer screen.

"Are you sure?" Persephone turned to look at the redhead.

"Yeah, yeah, just go"

Apparently the tension was not forgotten.

"Ok, see you Lea" Persephone stood and gathered her things, leaving before she wanted to start another fight.

Upon reaching her apartment, she quickly changed into a black velvet dress and only did a simple makeup look before rushing out the door again. How she was going to get in at this time, she had no idea.

The night was dark and moonless, so her path was only illuminated by the streetlights. For some reason, Persephone was hoping to see Hades again, but as soon as the thought entered her mind she tried to throw it out.

Her feet hurt by the time she reached her destination, the club as busy as the previous night.

She walked to the end of the line, but before she could pass the front entrance, the bouncer called out to her, "Ma'am!"

She turned to see the bouncer looking at her, "Me?" she asked, making sure.

He only nodded and gestured for her to come closer, obliging, she felt her heart thump in fright. Instead of shouting at her, the bouncer simply stepped aside, allowing her to enter the club.

Not thinking too much into it, she gave him a polite smile and a thank you before entering the club.

She approached the bar and spotted Aric, with a blonde on his lap. "Ric!" she yelled over the noise as she got closer, plastering a fake smile on.

"Oh hey Pez, I thought you couldn't make it" Aric smiled at Persephone, taking in her figure as she walked closer.

"Yeah, well" Persephone shrugged her shoulders and took this time to look at the girl in his lap, she was gorgeous, there was no doubt about it.

"Right, Pez, this is Amanda, Amanda, this is Persephone" Aric introduced them and the blonde girl smiled.

"Hi! I've heard so much about you!" Amanda stood and gave Persephone a hug. Persephone could see the blatant lie in Amanda's eyes, Aric would have never spoken about Persephone, she wasn't important enough to him.

Somehow this information didn't hurt as much as it should've.

"I have great news" Aric informed Persephone, staring at Amanda with a smile on his face, "Mandie and I are engaged"

The world went silent, Persephone's smile dropped for a second. He wasn't even dating anyone! Engaged?

Persephone felt her ears beginning to hurt as she suppressed tears, "Congratulations you guys! I didn't even know you were dating" she looked at Aric in a playful faux accusatory way. 

"Yeah well, this vixen decided that she wanted to keep it on the 'DL'" his eyes never left Amanda, so he didn't notice Persephone's expression fall.

"I'm going to go get a drink, congrats again though!" she turned and sat in the same spot that she had sat the previous night.

She turned and looked at Amanda, they were complete opposites. Amanda's tight blonde curls bobbed to her shoulders, contrasting to Persephone's long dark hair. Amanda was way shorter than average and stood at Persephone's neck, Persephone being only a bit smaller than average. Amanda had brown eyes and a big nose, but she was incredibly skinny, arms like sticks and no belly fat present. She was tanned, and would clearly stand out beside the pale Persephone.

Amanda was everything Persephone was not. Amanda was everything Aric liked.

"Hey there" her self pitying was interrupted by the deep melodious voice.

Her head whipped to look at the man beside her, and she found herself staring into the eyes that she couldn't get out of her head, "Are you following me?" she blurted out, all previous thoughts of Aric gone from her mind.

"Flower, I was here first" he smirked and butterflies flew in her stomach when he called her by her nickname.

"Well, if you insist on staying, I guess I can't stop you" she sighed as if she couldn't be bothered with his presence, but both of them knew better.

"I'll leave then" he turned the metaphorical tables and stood to leave.

"Wait no I was joking" she frantically reached out to grab his wrist, not ready to give up on his company.

Her hand erupted in tingles that made her never want to let go.

He turned and she saw the devilish smile on his face, "You butthole!" she pouted and crossed her arms, realising that he was kidding around and that he was only trying to get a reaction out of her.

"Couldn't help myself Flower" he grinned, his eyes soft as he observed her.

Turning to the bartender, Persephone began to order a non-alcoholic drink and Hades looked to the side, eyes becoming brighter and red as he glared at the boy that his Flower was staring at earlier.

Persephone turned back to her companion, eyes widening in surprise, this is was not the man she was beginning to know, his aura screamed danger and his eyes, now a bright red glared at something behind them with so much hatred, his lips pulled back in almost a snarl.

"Hay-hay?" she questioned, tapping his shoulder.

His gaze snapped her way, and she watched in amazement as his red eyes immediately softened to the molten lava that she was used to, his lips pulled into a straight line before lifting into a small smile, "Hay-hay?"

"Yeah, that's your nickname, you call me Flower, I call you Hay-hay" She smiled at him.

"Feared King of the Dead, yet she calls me Hay-hay" he murmurs to himself.

Persephone didn't hear him talking over the loud music and received the drink she ordered.

"So, why did you say I could have the drink on the house yesterday?" she turned her eyes to him, her green orbs accusing.

"I have a lot of authority and power here"

Her mouth gaped, it was settled, the little amount of subconscious hope she had that they would get together was smushed. He was high up, and there was no way he liked her that way.

"Then what are you doing hanging out with me?"

"You're an interesting character" he simply said and she scowled.


"So tell me about yourself" Hades leant in closer, her pale skin making it obvious that she was blushing.

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