weddings (she wore a black dress)

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The smell of cooking meat made Persephone realise just how hungry she was.

The restaurant was empty of customers as people stayed home in front of their heaters that were finally able to compete against the diminishing cold. The snow was melting and causing floods throughout the city, the cars driving on the streets making water rain all over those on the sidewalk.

Zeus sat across from Poseidon as they laughed loudly and talked, while Amphitrite sat beside Poseidon, Hera on the other side of her. The two goddesses spoke to each other, occasionally rolling their eyes when their husbands became too loud.

Hades sat beside Zeus and nodded his greeting to the Queens before joining his brother's conversations.

Persephone felt dwarfed in looks as she observed the two other women at the table.

Hera, who sat across from her, had stunning brown locks that reached the middle of her back and dark green eyes that had specks of purple and blue within it. She was tan and had a powerful aura about her as she held her head high, her oval face clear of any blemishes or imperfections.

Amphitrite had deep sea blue-green cat-like eyes, long dark, silky hair and pale skin - paler than Persephone's. Amphitrite looked like one of those girls who were always really mean.

"Persephone, how are you?" Hera, queen of Olympus, goddess of family and marriage smiled at her niece.

"I'm good, and you?" Persephone smiled politely.

"Same old, same old. You haven't been introduced to Trite yet! This is Poseidon's wife, Amphitrite."

The Queen of the sea smiled welcomingly, "It's great to finally meet you! You're really pretty."

Persephone blushed a deep red, "I'm nothing compared to you guys."

Amphitrite blushed red as well, "Nonsense." she shook her head and laughed.

"My love, what was funny?" Poseidon turned to his wife and Amphitrite immediately lost the smile.

"It's nothing Poseidon, mind your own business." His wife snapped and Poseidon turned back looking like a wounded puppy - which was surprising because not many brunet men with a beard could pull that off.

Hera noticed that Persephone looked shocked, so she explained, "It's a complicated story, but Amphitrite never really wanted to marry Seidon, he claims to love her but he still gallivants with other women."

"That's horrible!" Persephone gaped, and Hades held her hand.

"And he's really clingy too." Amphitrite rolled her cat-like eyes.

The gods laughed loudly again, signalling that they had moved on.

"So, when are you and Aidoneus getting married?" Hera clapped in excitement, the prospect of a marriage lifting her mood and taking her mind off of her own failed one.

"I'm not sure," Persephone began, but she was interrupted by Amphitrite and Hera's rapid planning.

"Ooh, a rose bouquet with cypresses! We could have the wedding in Hades' throne room, and hang white chiffon silks off of it!" Hera made the first comment and began to discuss wedding details with the nereid beside her who was just as enthused.


They had married a week before she had to leave him, and they relished each day of their newly married life up until the headed to the land of the living.

"No." Persephone dug herself more into Hades' embrace as they again stood at the cave that led out to the land of the sun.

"My wife, you must." Even with his words, he didn't loosen his grip on her, not wanting her to go as much as she didn't want to go.

The world above was warm now as Demeter prepared for the return of her daughter.

"I don't want to." Persephone's voice was muffled as he pressed her face against his chest.

Hades pushed her slightly away and knelt in front of her, hands holding her forearms as he looked up at her, "I will see you in 6 months, I promise."

He brought a hand up and poked out his pinky. The young goddess slowly shook her pinky with his, holding tight, "You promise."

He nodded and kissed the tip of her pinky, and she kissed the top of his head.

Sighing, she finally let go and stepped out into the light of the sun, forest green eyes still watching over Hades as he stood in the dark of the cave.

"I love you husband. Tell Cerberus that I'll miss him." She called out as she slowly stepped away from the cave, going backwards.

"Will you miss me?" Hades smiled mischievously.

"Always." Persephone continued to step back until she could no longer see him, so she then turned around and walked the rest of the way to her mother's house - which had been rebuilt and refurbished.

"Kore." Upon spotting her daughter, Demeter got out of the house and her daughter ran towards her open arms.

"Hello, mum." Persephone smiled.

Even though she didn't really like that she was away from Hades, she was happy that she was finally able to spend time with her mother again and rebuild the relationship that had broken down.

The nymphs greeted her as well, slightly cautious in the beginning, but becoming more comfortable as time went by.

As much as she enjoyed her time with her mother and new brothers in the land of the sun, she could never really put her heart into her creations. Her heart was down in the Underworld with the man that she loved, but she was ok with that because she had his heart in her hands.

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