Chapter 21 ~ Snow

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Chapter 21: Snow

I fretted again over my choice of dress while Bjarke stood behind me and braided my hair. He'd gotten better at it, nobody teased me for how messy they were now. He was even learning to French braid from Aljana and Tordis but I wasn't sure I was meant to know that.

"Nothing's changed, my female. You don't need to worry about how you look for your family," he soothed, tying the braid off and letting it fall against my back.

"Everything's changed," I argued.

In one night I'd went from simply being the Beta's mate, which was odd enough already, to being the daughter of Alphas, the sister of the heir. They were everything, and I felt like nothing. I hadn't even taken on the duties of a Beta Female. What if once I gave birth, the pack demanded I fight for my place? I wouldn't be able to.

Bjarke took my hand and pulled me to my feet, frowning at the way I chewed my bottom lip. He pulled it from my teeth and gave me a stern look. "I have never met a wolf that overthinks as much as you do. Why do you get yourself in such a state, my love?"

My heart skipped a beat as he called me that, skin flushing red, and I shrugged uselessly. I'd never been an overthinker until I met him. With Valdis there was no point in worrying about the future when the present was so uncertain. My fears had only been about where I'd get my next meal from and hoping the males would leave me alone.

"Maybe you don't worry enough," I accused, sliding my hands up over his chest.

He held my wrist and brought my hand up so he could kiss my knuckles. Smiling, I leaned in so my body was pressed against his. It wasn't enough. I wanted to tear his trousers for him and push him back into our furs but my Beta had already fought off such advances when he'd first woken, and I'd tried every trick I knew. Holding his gaze, I kissed his chest then flicked a tongue over his nipple.

I could feel his length harden against my belly, a low rumble vibrating from his chest. "You've been talking to Katrin again. What has she been teaching you that I should be teaching you?"

"I just ask questions and she answers. I want to please you," I purred, sliding my hand down to cup him.

His eyes fluttered shut and I smirked, stroking slowly. Maybe I'd get my way after all.

I felt bad that he always had to let me take control when I knew he wanted to do so much more. Katrin was open about sex and I didn't feel shy asking her things anymore. I was curious too. I wanted to know what his weight felt like above me instead, or the many other things I was sure he could show me to find pleasure.

As I felt his body relax and his hands fall to my hips, I thought I'd succeeded. Instead he spun me around and gave my rear a sharp spank. I gasped, looking wide eyed over my shoulder. His eyes were calculating my reaction, lips twitching when he inhaled the scent of my desire. There was no fear, even though I didn't understand why I'd found that quite pleasurable.

"You will please me by going to the hall and having something to eat, having some ginger tea, and letting Madden do another checkup," he stated, in control of himself once more.

I made sure he knew I was displeased by that as I draped furs over my shoulders. He only chuckled again, uncaring that I'd left him wanting. The only thing I'd succeeded at was frustrating myself.

Swinging the door open with every intent of storming off like a pup who didn't get their way, I stopped short. My eyes squinted against the brightness of the white landscape. Hagan had been right last night, it had snowed. Not as much as Bjarke said would come when winter was at its peak, but enough that I was sure my dress would be soaked by the time we go to the hall. The boots I wore would at least keep my feet dry and warm.

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