Chapter 38 ~ Final Goodbye

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Chapter 38: Final Goodbye

I slept easily through the night, at least, I didn't wake up repeatedly as I often did. However, my dreams were plagued by visions of Valdis, Sol's death and an array of other horrible things, but with my mate beside me, they eventually disappeared too.

Waking to the sound of Bjarke murmuring softly to Basjan, I kept the furs up to my nose and watched with a hidden smile. Little light streaked in from the window that was propped open, but the fire was burning bright and cast my males in a soft orange glow. Did Bjarke often speak to our son as if he understood? I had a feeling the answer was yes and that sent a rush of warmth through me.

"I'm not a very good cook but your mamma deserves some rest after yesterday doesn't she? No point dragging her through the snow to the hall when she can have burnt porridge here," my mate grumbled by the fire, shaking his head at Basjan who was listening intently. "She'll enjoy it anyway I think. I once watched her lick apple juice from her fingers all covered in mud."

I tried not to laugh, following the tattooed patterns on his back with my eyes while he spoke. This huge, bear of a Beta would never be seen the same way by the pack if they'd seen him the way I did. And secretly, I was pleased nobody else got to. This was my wolf, my male, a part of him just for me and our pup.

"A lazy wolf too though, she's been awake for a while and hasn't so much as greeted us good morning." I heard the smirk in his tone as my cheeks flushed red.

Sitting up, I smiled as he turned to see me. "I didn't want to interrupt your bonding with our son over all my faults."

He looked a little guilty, his gaze shifting over to our son who now had a cheeky smile on his face. Gurgling loudly, he began to wriggle on his back, hands fisting the air in the universal sign for 'pick me up'. I left the warmth of the bed to get him, grinning as he smiled again.

Pulling my son into my arms, I sat beside my mate, head resting against his leg. His fingers stroked through my hair as he dished out porridge. When I went to move to take it, he pulled me back against his leg. Another smile, I loved that he wanted to feed me from his own hand. Basjan was hungry too and I sat back a little so he could have breakfast as well.

Bjarke fed me slowly and I rumbled in appreciation. "It's not burnt."

"No." He chuckled, tasting it himself. "Still not as good as Hagan's though."

He was right there but I didn't say so. Anything he cooked with his own hands meant everything to me. Especially as he waited to eat himself only when I was full. Licking my lips, I savoured the taste and rubbed Basjan's back as he fed, shifting him a little. Nobody had warned me that breastfeeding could be painful but I could grit my teeth and bear it.

"You seem settled," my mate noted, watching me carefully.

Shrugging, I wasn't sure what to say in reply. I knew today would be hard, and yesterday had definitely left its scars, but I wasn't afraid anymore. The fear of Valdis ripping this new life from me had been extinguished the moment I'd seen him with has fangs torn out. He would die today. There was no second chance for him.

Hopefully Katrin would be alright taking Basjan while the pack dealt with our prisoners. My stomach rolled at the thought, but not in disgust, and that realisation made me feel a little cold inside. I was excited to finally see these wolves punished, what did that make me?

A gentle rumble from my mate drew me from my thoughts and I closed my eyes.

"I'm alright. Still waking up." I could worry about the rest of the day later. For now, I would feel content in sharing the morning with my mate and pup.

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