Chapter 26 ~ Peaceful

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Chapter 26: Peaceful

The freezing water lapped around my bare legs, turning them to ice. My teeth chattered but I refused to complain, if only because I knew if I did that Bjarke would come to take me away to the hall. I was certain he'd wrap me up and hide me away if he could but I was determined to force myself into being social. I wanted to make this place my home and these wolves my family, to fit in as easily as Fenna did when she hadn't been born here either.

Maybe I measured myself against her too much. I always came up short anyway and jealousy curled around my heart. Despite that, I couldn't help but like her. She stood by my side whenever I wanted to do something Bjarke argued against, though this job she had tried to dissuade me from.

I'd already spent my morning with Madden while he had spare time to teach me. I'd learnt the signs of a pregnant she-wolf today. Signs I'd looked over myself. I shook my head as I untied the basket from the weights that kept it from floating down river.

Fenna was collecting another basket of fish a little way down the river and I stopped to watch as she muttered and cursed in those unknown languages. She switched often between what I now knew was English and another, harsher language that held similarities to the pack's tongue. Her gaze met mine, dark eyes narrowing at my barely hidden laughter. At least I won in this, I didn't really mind working outside

"It's fucking freezing!" she called over, and I waded my way carefully towards her.

The basket on my arm jerked a little as fish wiggled around and it nearly threw me off balance. Fenna was quick to grab my arm and her expression was a little scolding.

"I could have done this myself. You shouldn't have offered to help, you should be sitting with your feet up today." Sharp eyes looked me over before this fiery she-wolf straightened and helped me back to the banking

I sighed and stepped into the snow melted, damp grass barely feeling the cold. My feet had long since gone numb and it made my steps awkward and stumbled. "You're all trying to coddle me. I'm bored of sitting all day. Katrin did her chores right up until she gave birth, why shouldn't I?"

Fenna didn't bother giving me an answer but I could feel a slight flare of irritation from her. Like an older sister, she fussed around me always, especially after a long day. There was an odd balance of power between us. She would be an Alpha Female, but her position in the pack was only just above mine.

"You know why it's different for you," she finally murmured.

Her finger brushed stray strands of blonde hair away from my face. I looked away, allowing her to drape my furs back over my shoulders and clasp them in place. My boots and thick socks were drying by one of the fires guarding the doors of the hall but I wished I'd left them by the river instead.

When the silence stretched on, I decided to supply the answer to her statement myself.

"Because I'm weak." My words were strained, almost a growl. Fenna only sighed and picked up her basket of fish.

My cheeks flamed with embarrassment, my fingers curling tighter around the handle of my own basket. So I was relieved when I felt a warm hand take mine and my sister led me over to the hut where someone would later ready the fish to eat. My nose scrunched at the aroma that hung around this place and Fenna chuckled before sliding the basket down my arm to take herself.
She took them inside for me and I heard her share a few words with whatever wolves were inside.

I scooted closer to where smoke billowed out, allowing it to heat up frozen skin, breathing through my mouth to try and avoid the smell but I could taste it on my tongue.

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