Chapter 32 ~ Tradition

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Chapter 32: Tradition

Howls woke me from my sleep.

I rubbed my eyes then frowned when I found the space next to me empty. Bjarke wasn't there. That had me becoming alert and I quickly checked Basjan was still sound asleep. He was nestled into the furs, one hand clenched into a fist. Turning back to the place my mate should have left, I pressed my hand down to find the furs were still warm. He hadn't left too long ago.

Why wouldn't he have woken me?

The howls sounded up again and my heart began to pound as I remembered exactly why I'd woken up. Wolves could be sending out that signal for any number of reasons, but Valdis was at the forefront of my thoughts. Raking around in the dark, my fingers brushed over the cold bone of a dagger. I positioned myself between where my son slept and the door, ears straining to hear anything that would give away what was going on.

Minutes trailed by slowly but there was no sound of fighting or panic. A part of me wanted to investigate but I was still too terrified to leave the den, and I definitely wasn't going to leave my pup alone. Crunching in the snow and I tensed, shifting myself painfully in case I needed to defend myself. Everything still hurt but I wouldn't go down easily.

The door swung open and I breathed out in relief as my mate's face was lit up by the moonlight that streamed in. My whole body slumped as I took in his expression. He was surprised to see me awake, I noted that as I quickly looked him over. No bruises, no blood, no signs he'd exerted himself.

"Are you okay?" he asked, frowning at the dagger still in my hand.

"The howling woke me up, I thought something might be wrong," I replied, still in my defensive crouch.

"Nothing is wrong, my love," he promised, closing the door behind him.

He made his way slowly towards me like I was that skittish female he'd found months ago. With gentle hands, he took the dagger from me and guided me back to bed, tucking me under the furs. Climbing in behind me, he hooked an arm around my waist to draw me against his chest. I snuggled into him even if his skin was icy cold from being outside.

Once my racing heart had settled again and I was assured everything was as it should be, I looked over my shoulder. "Why were they howling?"

"Alpha Jakkon and Orin have returned with the last of the hunters. They were eager to see you but it's late, and I told them you need your sleep and that we would go to the hall tomorrow," he explained, rubbing up and down my side.

"Oh." It was all I could manage to get out. I already knew there was no point in arguing with him about tomorrow, it was clear in the tone he'd used.

My Beta chuckled and brushed his fingers over my pouting lips. "Don't you want to see them?"

"I do," I replied quickly, frowning a little. "I've missed them and I want them to meet Basjan. It's just. . ."

"Overwhelming?" he offered, and I nodded.

That was definitely the right word for how it felt when I thought about taking even a step outside of the den with my son.

"You'll be fine."

Distracting fingers stroked up and down my spine, trailing close to the swell of my breast. I shifted in my mate's arms, enjoying the heat his touch left. Wriggling a little, I blushed as he groaned, and then smirked when I felt the hard press of his erection against my rear. Anything to distract us both from the mess I'd become tomorrow. I couldn't even acknowledge what he'd said.

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