Chapter 37 ~ Responsibility

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Chapter 37: Responsibility

Aljana spat out a curse as sharp fangs sliced across her cheek, splitting skin open.

Yet more blood filled the air, thickening every breath.

I struggled to keep the writhing female calm but I wasn't sure she understood as much as her brother did. I'd tried the pack's tongue and whatever the other language was I knew, and my friend had tried English too, but nothing calmed her down. The only hope I clung onto was she was only attacking out of fear. Her terror filled the air with a sickening scent as Madden tried to get a better look at the bite on her side but he never got close. She fought harder than even I had at the beginning, like a hellcat intent on causing as much damage as possible.

"This is ridiculous," Aljana muttered, releasing the female who immediately curled up tight with her back to the wall.

Perched on the edge of the bed, the rumble of my wolf seemed to do little to sooth the poor pup. Blue eyes were wide and wild, flicking over each of us. She expected pain. A fist. A slap. Kick. Bite. Only time would convince her we meant no harm.

Is this what I looked like? No wonder I got so many pitying glances. Having been in her place however, brought me a little knowledge that might help.

"I have an idea that might work," I said, stroking hair away from the female's face. But it relied on her twin having more control. "If I bring your brother here, will you let our healer look at you?"

Praying she understood, I was relieved when she nodded slowly but the second I stood up, her hand flew out. I tried not to cringe as her nails dug stingingly deep into my skin. Of course she didn't want me to go. I was the only face she knew.

I only had to look at Aljana for her to turn on her heel and go. She was probably happier with that task than being stuck in here. When the door shut, my arm was released and I rubbed over the crescent marks left behind. Hopefully they'd disappear before Bjarke saw.

"At least we know she has energy," Madden joked, his signature goofy smile in place, he winked at the female who simply stared back blankly. "Malnourished, definitely in need of a good feeding and a bath, but otherwise well."

"You think she'll be alright then?" It was my turn to be relieved. He might not have been able to get a proper look but I trusted him.

He nodded but cast me a meaningful glance. "I need to clean out the wound."

Or else. . .

It wasn't long before Aljana brought her brother back. He'd been cleaned up, his skin no longer grimy but his brown hair was still a wild tangle of knots. The female relaxed instantly as he took his place beside me, murmuring quietly to her in words that sounded more like a series of grunts and growls but she understood and settled back on the bed, finally allowing Madden to start his work.

Aljana and I shared a look of curiosity. So she hadn't heard a language quite like that before either. Whatever it was, at least it worked in calming the female down. She flinched and hissed in pain but no longer was she on the offensive, her brother's hand clasped tight in hers. I watched them both with an aching heart. They'd been through a lot, but at least they had each other.

A touch to my shoulder brought my gaze back to Aljana. "Bjarke is getting restless. I think he'd like it if you returned to the hall. Madden and I will watch these two, she won't be leaving the bed any time soon."

I was torn about leaving, glancing back at the twins with worry twisting in my gut. Would they be okay? Would they trust my friends to keep them safe? The male looked up, catching my eye and giving me a small nod. He'd brought food and water for them both, and they'd be warm and dry here at least.

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