Chapter 31 ~ Uncertain Futures

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Chapter 31: Uncertain Futures

Steam rose from the bowl of porridge to warm my face against the chill morning breeze. Bjarke insisted we open the window to air out the hut but it was getting deep into winter now. There was a snow storm building. A spade was laid against the far wall in case we needed to dig out way out one day.

I ate greedily while my mate finally shut the window and lit the fire, ignoring his smug look. I'd told him I wasn't hungry. But I couldn't resist. Ginger flavoured the porridge and got rid of the last of my queasiness. Someone had made this specifically for me.

A gurgle from the bassinet and I smiled down at the wriggling pup, reaching out to rub his belly. He was wrapped up in soft furs that were getting tangled around his limbs and I reached over to sort them. Despite the freezing cold, his skin was warm, almost burning, a trait of most pups. I'd worried about how warm he was until Bjarke had explained it to me. Something I was sure Madden has told him. 

The healer had come round before I'd even woke to check both of us over. I think that was done on purpose so I wasn't awake to get protective. He'd told Bjarke I was to stay in the hut for the rest of the day at least to heal but I didn't mind. I was happy to hide away for as long as I could get away with. My mother would be round soon too, and that clawed at my nerves. It would be difficult to allow another wolf in here. Even the lingering scent of herbs from Madden made my wolf restless.

I frowned at myself. I'd only just become comfortable around the pack and now I felt I was back at square one all over again.

Bjarke came to sit on the bench beside me, his hand falling to my head as he leaned over to see our pup. I heard him hum, and knew he was smiling without needing to see his face. I closed my eyes, tipping my head into his soothing touch.

"He'll have his first shift soon, I can feel it," he said, thumb rubbing circles into my scalp.

"Most pups don't change into their fur until weeks after their born," I argued, remembering Madden's lessons.

My mate hummed again. "True, but I'm certain it won't be too long. I've seen the wolf in his eyes when he isn't fed on time."

I forced myself to smile. It hurt that I'd missed the first few days with my pup. It hurt even more that another female had to feed him, even if it was Katrin, my friend. The first few days were crucial for wolves to bond with their young, and I'd not been there. Bjarke had been there though, and I could feel the amount of love he had for our pup. A pup that would most likely be named by Bjarke because I knew nothing.

Guilt and envy weren't the emotions I should have had but I found I couldn't shake it. I was angry at my mate for having that time with my male. I should have been overjoyed. Happy. Relieved even. Why couldn't I muster up these emotions? What was wrong with me?

"I'm proud of you, my female," Bjarke murmured, tilting my chin up.

Meeting his gaze, my heart fluttered at his words. I didn't realise how much I'd needed to hear that. Turning my head, I kissed his wrist and inhaled the comfort of his pine needle scent. He'd been watching me, I realised, and as always he could read my thoughts like they were written on my skin.

The crunch of snow outside and I stiffened immediately. Bjarke's hand gripped my shoulder and I knew he was ready to put me in my place if he had to. I swallowed the growl down as I watched the door open, shifting my weight and pulling the bassinet closer to me. My mother stepped inside slowly, her gaze on the floor, hands where I could see them.

My breathing quickened as every instinct told me to get the intruder out of my den and away from my pup.

"You know I won't hurt you or your pup, dóttir," she said quietly, sliding to her knees on the opposite side of the fire.

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