27: Visiting Grandparents

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Jungkook and Yoongi walked together through the forest. They were holding hands, and Jungkook was holding Beomgyu with his free hand while Yoongi held the baby bag. They slowly approached the fort walls, and when they finally reached them, they stopped in front of the guards.

"Hi. I've come to visit my parents."

"Of course, your highness," the gaurd bowed and opened the gates. "They should be either in the throne room or the castle gardens."

"Thank you," Yoongi smiled and walked on, pulling Jungkook through the gates.

"So this is where you grew up?" Jungkook hummed in thought, taking in all of his surroundings.

"Oh, that's right!" Yoongi gasped. "You've never been here before! I should show you around while we're here after we talk to my parents."

"That sounds wonderful," Jungkook smiled.

"By the way," Yoongi wondered. "My parent's seem to spend a lot of time in their throne room, but I think I've only even seen your throne room like, maybe twice. Why don't you spend more time there?"

"Because I don't need to," Jungkook answered. "Your parents talk to their people directly more than I do. Instead, the Council interacts with them when I can't, so I don't have many uses for that room other than sitting arrogantly in a big useless chair made entirely of gold."

"Makes sense," Yoongi nodded, swinging their hands a little. "Oh, look! They're over by the daisies!"

Yoongi started pulling Jungkook towards the garden where his parents were, almost making Jungkook trip over his own feet.

"Mom! Dad!"

They looked over and Yoongi waved. When they recognized their son they started walking to them to meet up faster. Queen Min was practically running.

"My baby! It's been too long!" She pouted, hugging Yoongi before looking over at Jungkook with a smile. Then she spotted Beomgyu. "Oh my god! Is that your baby?"

"Yes, mom," Yoongi laughed. "His name is Beomgyu."

"Aw," she cooed, reaching her arms out. "I wanna hold him."

Jungkook pouted but handed Beomgyu over without any complaints. To him, it was like handing his baby over to a stranger, but he knew that wasn't the case. He just hadn't taken the time to get to know Yoongi's parents yet.

Yoongi's mom cradled the baby and Yoongi's dad looked over her shoulder at the baby.

"He's so cute," he commented. "He looks a lot like you, but his eyes are bigger."

"I've noticed," Yoongi nodded. "He has Jungkook's eyes, and I think it suits him."

"He's gonna grow up to be such a handsome little man, making everyone fall for him left and right," Yoongi's mom giggled.

"Mom," Yoongi whined. "Stop."

"Alright, alright." She grinned. "So how have you two been?"

Yoongi yawned, and she laughed.

"We've been great," Jungkook answered, pulling Yoongi over to him by the waist with one arm. 

"So what's the reason for this visit?" Yoongi's dad asked.

"Actually, we wanted to say hi and catch up, but we also wanted to invite you to a dinner party a few months from now to celebrate the birth of Beomgyu," Yoongi explained, taking Beomgyu back from his mom when the baby started getting fussy. 

"When was his birthday?" His mom asked.

"March 13th."

"Oh, that's almost a week after your birthday!"

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