41: Cat Gets Caught

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E walked through the woods alone, on her way to the canine kingdom. She was on a mission from the queen to find out what happened to her son, and see if he was okay. It had been a few days since the incident at the Min's castle, so the queen was getting quite impatient.

Once E reached the gates, she walked up and was stopped by Jimin, who was on guard.

"Halt," Jimin stepped in front of the closed gates. "Who are you?"

"I'm a messenger from the feline kingdom," E smoothly responded. "The queen sent me."

"I'm sorry, miss, but I've got strict orders not to let any visitors inside," Jimin smiled sheepishly. "If you want, I can deliver the message for you?"

"No, actually I was here to talk to Yoongi directly."

"I can't let you do that," Jimin sighed. "My king won't allow it. But maybe I can ask him to let you in?"

"Please, do."

Jimin waved Hoseok over. "Hey, Hobi! Would you go ask Jungkook if a messanger from the feline kingdom could see Yoongi?"

"Sure," Hoseok slipped inside the gates, closing them behind him.

Jimin and E waited in a somewhat awkward silence for Hoseok to come back. A few minutes later when he did, he came back with a slight frown.

"I'm sorry, miss, but Jungkook isn't allowing any visitors inside. Maybe if Yoongi's parents wanted to see him, they could come themselves?"

"No, that's okay," E smiled, waving them off. "I'll just come back some other time."

"Okay. Well take care on your way back!"

"I will," E called back as she started down the path.

But as soon as she was out of sight, she turned off of the path and headed in an arc, swinging back towards the castle walls. She was determined to get in, one way or another. 

E got to the walls and started climbing up, careful to look around for guards. The looked over the side, and found that she was above a village that was in front of the castle. She could definately blend in with the crowd. 

She scrambled over the edge and slowly dropped down, gracefully landing and rolling to avoid hurting herself. She stood up and looked around. There were some houses to the right, and shops to the left, and she was in a narrow alleyway. 

What she didn't notice, was the guard who had seen her jump the walls during his perimeter check.

Taehyung swiftly grabbed her from behind and restrained her with handcuffs. 

E squeaked in surprise and started wiggling.

"Who are you, and what are you doing trying to sneak into the kingdom?" Taehyung growled.

"I don't mean any harm," E promised. "I was sent by queen Min to check on Yoongi for her, because she's too busy herself. Yoongi and Jin are my friends, I swear I wouldn't try to hurt them!"

"Oh, sure," Taehyung replied sarcastically, starting to pull her to the castle. "I don't believe you, kitty. You're just trying to get out of trouble."

"No, I swear I'm not!" E insisted. "Where's Jin? You can ask him! We've been buddies in guard training since we were kittens!"

"I'll have to go find Jin, so in the meantime, I'm going to put you in the dungeon so you don't go anywhere."

"What the f*ck! This is rediculous!"

"If you wanted to check on Yoongi, then you shouldn't have done it in a shady way," Taehyung shrugged. "Now I have to go through legality bullsh*t with you. That's some boring sh*t I don't wanna deal with right now."

Cats Vs Dogs [Sugakookie/Yoonkook]Where stories live. Discover now