50: First and Last Words

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(A/N: So time has been passing faster than I thought and every time I look back at when I last updated it's like 2 weeks ago. I'm sorryyyyy it's been like literally over half a month. I have more days off of work recently so hopefully I can do more if my ADHD doesn't make me literally forget I'm writing a story. Super extra long chapter btw and it should be the last one that focuses on the Tae and E side story thing)

Taehyung knew he was going to regret this.

As soon as he decided to do it, he knew he would regret it.

But Jungkook's words made him realize that he wasn't done fighting for E. So now he found himself scaling the walls to the feline fort.

Taehyung was horrible at climbing, and he had practically slipped and fallen and died like 10 times already. Luckily, he had been smart enough to put on a harness and toss a grappling hook over the side of the wall.

He had basically been pulling himself up with the rope for the past 30 minutes, and he was just now getting close to the top.

He was worried the whole time that with his luck, the hook would come undone right before he could make it, and he'd be doomed to fall to his death. Or maybe, he would be caught by a guard immediately and his plans would be ruined.

But when he finally pulled himself over the edge, panting and sweating from the effort of climbing, he smiled in relief that neither tragedy had occurred.

"I made it," he giggled. "I'm not dead."

Taehyung swung his legs over the side and pulled his grappling hook out of the wall before making sure it was stuck on the other side. Tugging on it to check, he deemed it stable enough to climb down.

He started making his way back to the ground slowly, careful not to slip. He was doing pretty well until he accidentally let go of the rope and fell the last 4 feet, but he landed safely despite screaming in terror.

Holding a hand over his heart, Taehyung breathed heavily as he took his climbing gear off and started to make his way around.

Stealthily sneaking around the village, Taehyung was able to make it to the castle gardens. But the felines weren't known for security for no reason.

Before Taehyung even realized there was anyone there, he already had his hands handcuffed behind his back.

A gun was pressed against his back.

"How did you get in?"

Taehyung froze. He should have known his plans wouldn't go smoothly.

"I climbed the wall."

"What? Impossible!" The guard hissed. "Dogs are horrible climbers. Everyone knows that."

"I had a rope," Taehyung admitted. "It's still by the wall. I came here to look for someone, if you wouldn't mind."

"If I wouldn't mind? You just trespassed and broke into our kingdom, and you're being polite and asking to continue looking around?!" The feline rolled his eyes. "There's something off about you, that's for sure."

"Are all cats this sassy?" Taehyung complained.

"Shut up, I'm taking you to the dungeon."

Taehyung huffed, but allowed himself to be taken without struggle. He knew he should have just gone through the gates like a normal person.

But it had just seemed more special the other way, for some reason.

Taehyung was shoved into a jail cell and the door was locked behind him after the guard took his handcuffs off.

Cats Vs Dogs [Sugakookie/Yoonkook]Where stories live. Discover now