49: Tension

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"This is the guest bedroom," Jungkook opened the door, letting Min walk in.

"It's not very big."

"I don't have guests often."

"I guess that's understandable then," Min shrugged, setting her stuff down on the bed.

"Is there anything else you need right now?"

"No, I think I'm good," Min waved him off. "I just want to see my little Yoongi."

Jungkook frowned, but gave a small nod and left. Yoongi wasn't a small child anymore, but it seemed like she still saw him as one.

Which is kinda weird and hard to believe since this is supposedly the parent that gave Yoongi a kinky present for his birthday.

This woman be sending some mixed signals.

Jungkook decided to look for Yoongi to see why he left him. He remembered it was something somewhat important, but he couldn't remember exactly where he went and why. Something about taking Beomgyu to visit someone? He remembers Yoongi telling him who, but talking to his mother in law basically wiped his memory.

Jungkook walked out of the castle and to the gate, knowing that either Hoeseok or Jimin would be able to tell him where Yoongi and Jin went.

Jungkook went through the gate and turned to where Jimin stands, and regretted it.

Hoseok was there, holding Jimin against the wall as he attacked Jimin's neck.

"Oh my gosh, not you too." Jungkook facepalmed, startling the two.

Hoseok practically leaped away, leaving a pouting Jimin.

"It's not what it looks like!"

"I don't care what it looks like and what it is," Jungkook sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Can you just tell me where Yoongi is? I forgot where he said he was going."

"He's with Taehyung," Jimin answered Jungkook before walking up to Hoseok and grabbing him roughly by the collar.

Jungkook quickly turned before he could see anything else, practically running away from the gates on his way to Taehyung's house.

"Well that's one way to scare people away from the gate," he mumbled to himself as he turned onto Taehyung's street.

When he got there, he knocked on the door and waited.

Jin opened the door and blinked up at Jungkook.

"What are you doing here?"

"Yoongi's mom arrived," Jungkook explained.



"Well you can come in I guess, but we aren't done cheering Taehyung up."

"How bad is it?" Jungkook asked, stepping inside.

"Just see for yourself."

Jungkook silently followed Jin into Taehyung's living room, where he was laying on his couch with his face down.

Yoongi was next to Taehyung, holding Beomgyu.

"Come on, Tae! I'm just trying to help!"

"I know!" Taehyung mumbled into the couch. "But I just wanna be alone right now. Looking at you is just going to remind me of what I lost."

"You can't really have 'lost her' if she was never really yours."

Taehyung looked up and glared at Yoongi. "Thank you for that. I feel so much better now."

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