39: The New King

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Jimin locked the bedroom door while Namjoon, Taehyung, and Hoseok held Seojun down as Jungkook tightened the noose around Seojun's neck.

"Where is he?"

Despite it becoming increasingly difficult to breathe, Seojun laughed as he looked Jungkook directly in the eye. 


"Don't play coy with me, you b*stard," Jungkook growled. "Where the f*ck is Yoongi?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," he smirked, holding the rope with his hands and trying to loosen it.

"Jin, Minjun, look around. I'm sure he's here somewhere."

While Minjun started looking around the room, Jin went straight for the two doors at the side of the room. He opened one and found a bathroom, void of any people. He went to open the other, which was likely a closet, but the knob wouldn't turn.

Jin jiggled the knob, trying to open it, but it wouldn't budge. "Um, guys?"


"This door is locked."

Some shuffling was heard on the other side of the door and Jin's ears perked up. "Hello? Yoongi?"


Everyone turned to the closet with wide eyes as they heard Yoongi's voice come through the door.

"Yoongi!" Jin almost cried in relief. "Yoongi, we're here for you! We're going to get you out of here, okay?"

On the other side of the door, Yoongi started sobbing in relief. "Please," he knocked on the door with his hands. "Help me!"

Yoongi's pleads and sobs broke everyone's hearts, except for two people. Seojun was angered that Yoongi didn't stay quiet like he had told him to. And the other?

That was Jungkook. His heart wasn't broken, it was shattered. And above all else, he felt a rage rise up in him, directed at Seojun and what he had been doing to Yoongi to make him sound that desperate to get out.

"Guys, help me find the key," Jin called over to them, starting to look around.

Minjun started going through all of Seojun's drawers, and Jimin joined Jin looking around the room.

"Where's the key?" Jungkook growled, glaring at Seojun.

"Like I'd ever tell you, mutt," Seojun sneered.

Jungkook punched Seojun in the face.

"Ugh!" Seojun almost whined as one hand went up to hold his now broken nose.

"Where the f*ck is the key?!" Jungkook shouted.

Seojun glared and Jungkook and didn't say anything, holding his nose as it bled.

"Namjoon, check his pockets."

As Namjoon let go of the leg he was holding down, Seojun's eyes widened in panic and he used his now free leg to kick Namjoon and Hoseok, who was holding his other leg.

Seojun started struggling in Jungkook and Taehyung's hold, trying his best to get away before they take the key.

"He must have the key! Everyone help and check his pockets!"

Jin, Jimin, and Minjun came over and helped hold him down while Namjoon and Hoseok clutched their sides in pain. After the pain wore off a bit, Namjoon and Hoseok started going through Seojun's pockets despite it being difficult when he struggled around.

After a minute or two, Hoseok gave a shout of victory as he pulled the small golden key out of one of Seojun's side pockets.

"No!" Seojun growled, throwing people off of him and lunging for Hoseok.

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