47: Mistakes Were Made

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(A/N: Long chapter. :) Enjoi plot thickening for no reason.)

Queen Min stood proudly next to her husband in front of the gates to the canine kingdom. She had decided to visit her son to make sure herself that he was safe and sound, and mentally well.

"I'm sorry, Queen Min," Jimin winced. "I don't know if I can let you in right now. Jungkook has been pretty strict on visitors, and he isn't here right now to grant you access."

"He isn't here?" She asked incredulously.

"No, I'm afraid not. Jungkook took Yoongi out for a surprise last night and they haven't come back. I think they had planned to sleep under the stars."

"As romantic as that sounds, I need to check on my son," the queen insisted. "So I must come in, and I'll wait all day for them to come back if I have to."

Jimin turned to Hoseok.

"It's okay if I let Yoongi's parents in, right? The strict visitation was to protect Yoongi, wasn't it?"

Hoseok shrugged. "I don't see why not."

Jimin turned back to the king and queen of felines, bowing his head slightly.

"As you wish, Queen Min."

Jimin opened the gates and let the queen and king in, letting Hoseok escort them to the castle to wait.

Jimin sighed as he sat back down in a chair in front of the gate. This was one of his main jobs since he was highly trusted by Jungkook, but it was boring as heck.

Hoseok often snuck out to spend time with him so he wouldn't feel lonely, and Jimin really appreciated it. He very much enjoyed Hoseok's company. But now at the moment, he had to wait for Hoseok to come back. It was so boring.


Jimin gasped and fell out of his chair before scrambling back up to his feet.


"You look pretty relaxed right now," Jungkook teased with his arm wrapped around Yoongi's shoulders.

"I've been working diligently," Jimin pouted. "You caught me at a bad time."

"Of course," Jungkook shrugged, rolling his eyes. "Just open the gates."

"Oh! By the way," Jimin commented as he opened the gates. "King and Queen Min are here."

"My parents are here?!" Yoongi squealed, bouncing up and down.

"You let them in?!" Jungkook screeched, his face losing color.

"You two should go see them. They're waiting for you two."

Yoongi thanked Jimin and ran off, dragging Jungkook behind him. 

As they made their way into the castle, Jungkook was internally panicking. He knew exactly why Yoongi's parents had come, and he was not ready for them to blow up at him.

Not ready at all.

Before he knew it, he was already being pulled directly towards them.

"Mom! Dad!"


Yoongi let go of Jungkook to give his parents a hug before pulling away with a smile. 

"This is a pleasant surprise! What are you guys doing here?"

Jungkook wanted to protest when Yoongi said pleasant, but he held his opinions to himself. 

"Well, we wanted to make sure you were alright," Queen Min confessed with a worried look. "When you visited us last week you practically had a panic attack and had to leave."

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