chapter 24

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Noah POV

I just had to make sure she was there.

Standing inside my room, behind the door, my heart races.

She seems so weak, like she'll slip out of my hands if I'm not holding on tight enough.

Like sand rushes through the grip of a fist.

I needed to feel her in a closer way, something that could set my soul on fire and bring back that strength in her eyes. I'm definitely burning up right now.

After the kiss, I quickly helped her lay under the sheets and ran out the room. I picked the worse time to do this.

I groan, hitting my head against my palm.

She just finds out she's apart of this weird Royal thing, her old pack is saying they're coming back for her, and that whenever she uses that 'blessing', she's dying.

She's dying when she uses it.

I clench my fist as my nails bite into my skin.

How do I protect her from this? All of these factors trying to take her away from me?

I push off my door, taking slow steps to my bed as the weight in my leg drag me there.

I can't keep her away from it because it's in her blood.

Laying flat on my back, I turn on my side and stare towards the floor.

She can't use that thing anymore, not even by accident.

Eliana POV

Breakfast taste amazing again.

I chew my food, taking a breath before each chomp.

But I'm not enjoying it.

The dining room has a couple people standing around as I plop the porridge into my mouth. Noah had to go do pack stuff early and one of the wolves who are friends with Hunter, I think his name is Axel, has been following me from a distance.

He hasn't bothered me yet so I don't care much at all. It just reminds me that Liam is saying he's coming back for me.

Clenching my fork in my hand, I lose my appetite.

They still need me? What do they want with me?

If he's hoping to finish what he was trying before, I'll kill him.

My grip on the fork increases as I stare into my food, tense.

All my efforts are thrown out the window after one day. My new life here is either going to be interrupted by Liam or this dumb blessing. I can't control it, it wasn't around when I was younger, and every time I use it, it feeds on my 'life source' or whatever that means.

I've dragged Noah and his pack into my issues. I knew they might come but they seemed terrified of this pack. Even they know if it comes to The Fang pack versus theirs, they would lose.

Why are they running into a fight they can't win? What do they need from me that's worth going against one of the most highly trained pack warriors in our kind?

I drop the fork and put my head in my hands as it hits the floor with a clang.

This all doesn't make sense. I'm trapped into too many bubbles and I'm forcing Noah to worry. It's not fair to him or his pack.

Maybe I should-

"Hey, Eliana." The voice breaks through my thoughts and I turn my head to the side to see Bethany standing beside me.

"Hey." We're good now so I'm glad she can walk up to me and say hi.

"You good? The fork fell and you didn't even flinch. I thought you loved to eat." She says, furrowing her brows at me and leaning in. I chuckle as a small amount of amusement worms itself way through the stress within me.

Do they watch me stuff my face?

"I do. Who cooks?" I'd love to get everything off my mind right now.

"We take turns. Soon enough I'll have to teach your hungry ass how to cook." She pats my shoulder as we both laugh.

I know how to cook but learning their recipes could change my life.

I nod to her.

"Come on, let's go train in the courtyard." She says, pulling out my chair for me as I yelp, my elbows falling into my lap off the table.

"But my dishes-" She urges me up as I stand.

"He could take care of them." She points at Axel and he raises an eyebrow. She sticks her tongue out at him and grabs my hands, pulling my outside.

"I don't know how to fight." I say, as she jogs out the door. Her gaze comes back to mine and she shakes her head.

"Then it's about time you learn." She takes huge steps down the porch stairs and I stumble behind her.

I've never thought of myself as a fighter. It never seemed like something my scrawny limbs could try to do, and now with a little more fat, I'm not sure much has changed.

Bethany stands across from me in the front yard as few wolves stand around watching us. Most of the warriors are with Noah today, so the after breakfast training is limited to us two.

"You just want to beat me up, that's what this is about." I say, grinning at her. She places her hands on her hips and bends a knee.

"Maybe I did consider that a bit but I'll go easy on you today, cause you're a newbie." She smirks and approaches me. I flinch.

"Bethany. I know you still might be mad but I don't want to be killed." I put my hands up. She laughs and stops in front of me.

"Call me Beth, and first let's see how strong you are. Punch me in my gut." Her expression shows no hint of playing around.

"You want me to hit you?" I ask, tilting my head at her. This soldier shit has to suck.

"In my stomach, yes, do I have to spell it out for you?" She rolls her eyes. I scoff.

"Don't start with me again, Beth." This actually might be satisfying. I'll pretend all my problems are concentrated in this bitch.

"Then hit me." She shrugs.

"Gladly." My arms come up as I ball my hands into tight fists.

My eyes glare at Beth as her face holds a slight grin.

Moonstribe used to feel like they were looking at me like this, like no matter what I did, it wouldn't make a sound.

"I'm waiting." Beth says, and I nod.

I'm making Noah have to take care of me and worry because of these dumbass situations.

I didn't ask for some blessing. I didn't ask to be born that pack's fucking slave.

All I've wanted all my life was a place I could be happy and now that I'm here, everything is threatening to take me away from it.

"Eliana. Hit me."


I won't roll over and let it take me out. Not again, I can't give up the light now that I've seen it.

My fists tighten so hard, my nails dig into my palm. I swing it straight, wind rushing by my arm as it lands on a rock wall.

I'll fight back.
8.79k ~ 5/30/20

Thanks for the support! Make sure to check out my book Madam Mafia on Lure and a chat story!!!

Stay safe. GF

Next update is the 1st


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