chapter 33

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Eliana POV

Noah drags me down the stairs as I stumble behind him.

"Where are we going?" I chuckle as we reach the first floor and he continues to speed walk with my wrist in his hand. He glances back at me with a large smirk on his face.

"It's a surprise." We exit the house and he turns towards a silver car in the driveway off to the side.

So it's somewhere far?

"Don't be too curious." He says, as he lets go of my wrist to open the passenger side door for me. I look at him with wide eyes and shrug, sitting down inside the vehicle. A giddy smile makes it's way on to my lips.

Now I'm excited.

Noah jogs around the car and throws open the driver's side door and hops in. He turns on the radio and starts the car as we pull out of the compound.

"We're going to miss dinner." I remind him, as I look out at the dusk.

We better be back before dinner.

"Don't worry about that." He says, as we speed off down the road.

Don't worry about that? Huh? So he's getting us food? But- wait, no way.

"Are we going to the human world?" I almost squeal as he glances towards me and smirks.

"I said don't be too curious. It was supposed to be a surprise." He pouts. My heart races as I can barely contain myself.

The human world? From the TVs and stuff? I've really been living under a rock for way too long.

"Are there going to be cowboys?" I ask. He slows to a stop at a stop sign and laughs.

"I don't know, maybe. They have really good steak though." He says, moving forward again as I beam at him.

You've got to be kidding me. Steak? Fang pack hasn't even served that yet for dinner. He's trying to make me hungrier.

"Why are you taking me there today?" I ask.

As happy as I am, this is a bit sudden. Does he have one of those flower floats waiting for me? Humans seem to gather around those a lot.

"I thought we should escape all the drama back there for one day. We can just go out and relax." He says, nodding to himself. I smile.

It's little things like this that make me love him so much more everyday.

"Stop looking at me like that." He says, as his ear tinges red. I laugh.

"Did you know you blush on your ears? They turn bright pink." He flinches, bringing up a hand to touch the tip of his ear.

"Yeah, my mother used to tell me all the time. I tried to grow out my hair to cover it up once, but it looked bad." He shakes his head, looking out on the road as I try to picture Noah with long curly hair.

He would have a huge afro, it'd be cute.

"I want to see that." I whisper out as Noah scoffs.

"No you don't." He says, taking a turn.

"Yes I do. Do you have pictures?" I burst out laughing as his ears turn pink again.

"I don't." He mumbles.

"You do! I have to see them." I say, hitting at his arm as he laughs, grabbing my hand and holding it in his.

"Look we're here." He whispers, looking out of his window.

I gasp, turning to the window as the lights surrounding us, brighten the night.

"This is the city. Pretty isn't it?" He says, slowing down into traffic.

Buildings stack on top of each other, reaching out to the sky as humans roam the streets. Some with family and friends, and others alone.

I didn't know so many people could exist in the same place. I've never seen so many bodies together.

"These are humans? They look a lot more like us than I thought." I breathe out in awe.

"I know right." Noah responds.

They're are so many creatures like us and I thought they existed in a box.

"The humans rule over this world. They make it hard for us, but they do have their uses." Noah turns into a parking lot and parks his car.

"Do you want to get something to eat in a restaurant or get food and come back and eat it in here?" Noah asks, trying towards me. I smirk.

"Can we do both?" I ask, still looking out behind his window.

This really is a brand new world. The trees and fields I grew up around aren't anywhere near here. It's bright and everyone is going their own way. No one has to know anyone here.

They don't live in packs.

"I knew you would say that. Let's go." Noah leaves the car and I tense.

This day has already been so crazy.

Noah knocks on my window and I flinch back to reality.

"Are you coming?" His voice reaches me clearly despite the glass between us. I nod frantically, opening the door and stopping.

I look up and the sky. Not as many stars shine here but the lights they have everywhere, make up for it. They're beautiful.

Noah's hand grabs mine and he smirks at me, tilting his head.

"You really like it here, don't you?" He says. I hit his arm.

"Of course I do. Thanks for this." I smile up at him as he does me. He leans down close to my face. My pounding heart races faster.

"I like seeing you this happy." He presses his lips against mine and I return his kiss, pushing myself closer to him. I pull back as an amazing smell lifts into the air.

"What is that?" I ask Noah as he bites his lip, still looking at me intensely. The feel of his lips on mine causing my breathing to continue it's quick pace.

"Steak. One of our members own this place, so it's free for us to eat here." I glance at the little shop in front of us and gulp.

I haven't even had dinner yet. Oh my Goddess.

I tighten my hold on Noah and begin hurrying over to the shop. He laughs.

I'm a growing wolf, I can't go without food for this long.
16.1k ~ 6/17/20

Thanks for the support!!!!!!

Next update: 19th


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