chapter 38

18.6K 665 42

Noah POV

Marking your mate connects both minds and hearts, almost as humans would call marriage. It's a promise never to leave one another.

When a wolf shows you his neck, they are telling you they surrender everything to you. Allowing you to wound them there, puts their life in yours.

This is why marking is sacred. It's the ultimate reveal of love.

And we just marked each other.

I stare up into the ceiling as and chuckle, replaying the moment again and again in my mind. My hand comes up to grab the healed mark on my shoulder.

It should already have bloomed into a tattoo, a symbol that represents our union. I would get up and go look in the mirror to see it but Eliana's still asleep.

Once marking is completed, mates are usually ten times closer. It links our souls, so when we aren't together, even more than before we will feel like finding each other.

I can feel a degree of her emotion and get a gist of her thoughts, as if we're in the same pack. The ceremony for that should hurry up, so she can share her thoughts with all of her pack. Her new family.

My eyes look down at Eliana on my chest, sleeping soundly.

Nothing happened to me. She managed to control the blessing. I knew she could. Of course she can.

Now the only thing left is to compensate the union, with sex.

I squeeze my eyes shut and groan.

How am I going to do that? Eliana passed out right after she marked me, it is tolling on both wolves as your wolf and you, are accepting someone else to accompany you through life.

It's fine. It'll work out.

We have all the time in the world. Eliana is staying here, with me and we're good. No matter what Liam and her past have to say they can't get pass our soldiers.

I laugh out loud.

This is the happiest I've been in a long time.

Eliana stirs besides me, yawning as her eyes blink open. She looks around, lifting herself off my chest for a second but then plops back down on me. I grin.

Is she that tired?

"Hey, sleepy pup." I coo as she squints up at me. She gives me a lazy smile, and yawns again. I push her hair back.

"I never put anything on my hair? What the hell was I thinking? Ugh." She sits up and stretches.

She does usually have something black on her head when she sleeps. She keeps it under her pillow in her room and slips it on right when we're about to go to sleep.

"You probably left it in your room." I say, lifting myself up as well. She frowns.

"I left my bonnet in my room? Oh." She says, yawning again. Maybe we should just sleep in today.

"Don't be bummed about it, come here." I grab her arm and she swats me away.

"I'm going to brush my teeth and shower, wait for me here." She gets up and makes her way to my bathroom, next to my closet door. I flip off my sheets and hurry behind her.

Why's she running away from me?

I pout as we enter the bathroom together, stopping in front of the mirror. Eliana glances up at me and scoffs.

I grab my toothbrush and she grabs hers as we take turns spreading toothpaste on each.

"Does it hurt?" Eliana mumbles under her breath, looking down into the white sink.

That's why.

I chuckle.

"No, it does not hurt. What about you?" I ask as she finally meets my eyes and smiles.

"No, mine doesn't either." She turns to me fully and freezes, staring at something on my neck.

Does she not know about marking tattoos? I've been staring at her's since she woke up.

"It's a rose, with thorns." She says, reaching up and letting her hands brush pass the mark. Goosebumps follow behind her.

It's still a little sensitive I guess.

"Yeah, you have the same thing on you, look." I point towards the mirror and she turns, looking wide-eyed into the glass before us.

She's way too cute.

Eliana POV

Why didn't he tell me that this marking thing, actually comes with a mark? I thought it would just scar up and be ugly, but it's beautiful. So beautiful.

"Do you like it?" Noah asks, smiling at me. I nod.

"Why are they different?" I ask, still staring between Noah's and I. His eyebrows furrow as he stops gazing at mine and looks at his own.

"You're right." He realizes.

His mark has a blooming rose, with thick stems and thorns traveling up them, but mine has a small rose, almost a bud, with thin stems and large thorns coming up them. They look identical in terms of placement but the actually flowers are different.

"I don't know." He responds, shrugging. He wraps his arm around my shoulders and holds me into his chest.

"Has it ever happened before?" I ask, as he stuffs his toothbrush into his mouth.

"I don't know, but it doesn't matter. I gave you this mark and as long as it isn't a symbol of death, or tragedy I won't be discouraged." He assures me, and I nod.

"Me neither then." I say, beginning to brush my teeth as well. Noah turns on the faucet, washing away his suds as he spits.

"So you were embarrassed about what you did yesterday?" Noah smirks, as he continues brushing and I choke, spitting the toothpaste and coughing as I wash out my mouth. Noah pats my back.

"How did you know?" I clear my throat, coming back up away from the sink. Noah smirks at me.

"So you were. That's why you ran away from me this morning." He says, amusement leaking through his voice.

It was so embarrassing. Even though it's something I've been wanting to do for a while now. Since I met him, to be honest.

"Shut up. No." I avoid his eyes, ducking away from his face as he pushes it near mine. He laughs.

"I loved it, Eliana. I love you." He repeats, kissing me on the cheek with his water wet lips, after rinsing the toothpaste from his mouth. I groan and roll my eyes.

Why does he keep saying that? It's mushy. We can't be mushy for too long, I might melt.

"What? You didn't like that? Too bad." Noah turns to me and plants kisses all over my face and forehead.

"Noah- let me brush my teeth!- Come on!-" I shout, chuckling as he hugs me to his chest.

"You're so cute sometimes." He says, his forehead touching mine. I look up at him and pout.

He's cute too. Like right now.

"I want to eat you up-"

"Noah!" A voice shouts from the bedroom as the door slams open. Noah immediately turns around, grabbing my hand and dragging me back into the room with him.

"What's wrong?" He asks, as Hunter huffs, catching his breath.

"Your parents are downstairs. They want to see Eliana."
22.1k ~ 6/30/20

Guys thanks so much for 20k. For got to thank y'all last chap.

Next update on July second I think.


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