chapter 62

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Eliana POV

I choke on the smell of blood as my eyes meet Noah's. My heart pounds loud and fast in my ears as he stares back at me.

He's here. I see him. I missed him.

I need him.

The door shuts as I struggle to walk out the house. My ankles scream in pain as I take heavy steps, trying to reach Noah.

I gasp as Liam pounces on to Noah, catching him off guard. My head shakes as Liam tears into Noah's black fur.

No. All this has to stop.

My eyes scan the battlefield. Beth's dark brown fur drips with blood, as Noah's parents stand back to back, surrounded by at least ten wolves. Kai and Hunter scratch and bite their enemies to death, ripping through skin and bone.

Fallen wolves from Moonstribe pack lay shattered in the field. They stand no chance against the Fang pack without the witches help.

They won't be able to keep this up much longer. This is a bloodbath.

It has to end. I won't let anyone else I care about get hurt.

These wolves have families that love them. I know what it feels like to lose that now, and I've seen what losing even one family member can do to someone.

I have to stop them. We have to listen to each other. Even with the hatred that lies beneath our feet.

My blessing travels up and through my body, no longer making me dizzy but instead sharpening my view and every sound.

"Stop." I whisper. Everyone in front of me freezes, as if time has stopped. I walk down the steps, my ankle no longer screaming in pain.

The Goddess was right. This power makes me stronger. What has she been wrong about?

My duty as a Royal is to protect our race. I'll do just that, no matter how much I want to tear them to pieces. I'll give them a little bit of a chance.

"I'm going to let Noah's pack free, but I need you all to not attack the enemy before you. Just wait." I say, letting my voice travel across the field as I stop close to Noah.

He's so close. Three days was too long to be away from him. I thought I've never see him again.

"Moonstribe stay frozen. Everyone else, do as you please." I state, as Noah's body twitches free from under Liam. My feet take me towards him, as he shuffles from Liam's hold on him, getting to his paws and running to me.

Sparks and tingles spread through me as his fur touches my skin. He snuggles his head into my chest, his tail wagging wildly.

I missed you.

A faint voice says in my mind. It's Noah.

"I missed you too." I cry, tears wetting my face as he whimpers on me.

I thought I might never see him again.

I made it home.

"Hey I don't mean to break up the moment, but I brought back up clothes in case something like this happened." Beth speaks up from behind us, already in a new set of clothes. I stare at her wide-eyed, the moisture in my eyes drying.

She's talking to me again?

Noah bites onto the bottom of my shirt, urging me to come with him. I smile and follow behind him. Beth sends me a wave as I simply stare at her while we pass by. Noah lets go of my clothes and bites into the ones with Bethany.

What's going on?

Noah nods me to continue following him and I do. He stops at a tree close by, walking to the other side of it as I stand in wait. My hands trembling.

They're mostly all here, but how do I talk to them? How do i explain everything without it sounding like lies. Why would they believe me?

My body is suddenly swung to the side as Noah's scent engulfs me and his arms wrap around me. My smile widens as I return his embrace. He stuffs his face in the crook of my neck, squeezing me tighter to his chest.

"Don't ever do that to me again. Please. I don't want to go through something like this ever again, so please. I was dying without you. I haven't slept for two days. Nothing was right with you gone." He cries against my shoulder. I nod, gripping his shirt tighter.

"I wanted to come back. I wanted to fix everything and come back to you. The things I found out here-" Noah pulls back, grabbing my shoulder, his expression alarmed. My eyebrows furrow at him.

"Stop using your powers. We can fight them, don't worry about that. You shouldn't be using your life force like this." He breathes heavily, his eyes wide as I smirk, shaking my head.

I'm not the slightest bit tired in this moment and I have the entire Moonstribe frozen. It's incredible.

"I don't think it works like that anymore. I have a lot to tell you."

Noah POV

We stand among the pack in the front yard of Moonstribe's house. Eliana stands next to me, as we face the pack warriors and my parents. They all wait in silence as Eliana holds my hand. She glances at me and I nod.

She looks stronger. Confident. She looks onto our pack with no hesitation.

She's back in my arms.

I smirk as Eliana clears her throat.

I want to know everything she's been through. It's like meeting her all over again.

"Before I explain anything, I want the whole pack to be here so we'll have to wait until we get back home. Right now, I need you guys to choose what you want to with the Moonstribe. They were under the control of the witches who choose to attack you an-" I nod at her, along with the rest of the pack as she quiets to a confused stare. Her eyes land on me.

"A girl named Vanessa came to our base two days ago and told us everything. We know you aren't from Moonstribe and they actually attacked both our packs under the influence of the witches. It doesn't get rid of our hatred for them, though." I turn my glare on to Liam's frozen figure.

"So I don't have to explain anything? Y-you guys know? Vanessa?" She laughs, tears coming to her eyes as she shake her head.

She was broken over this. Eliana...

I squeeze her hand, stroking the back of her hand with my thumb. She wipes her tears with her free hand and takes a deep breath.

"Sorry, we can talk about that later too. Since you know who is responsible for your attack, what do you want to do?" She asks us.

"Your pack was completely killed off. You have a say in this too." Beth says, clenching her fists as her eyes look at the ground.

I hope the guilt of abandoning her friend is eating her up from the inside out. I hope all of them are torn up inside.

I know I am. My own guilt was her final push to leave me.

Eliana nods, looking at each member. Her eyes settle on my parents.

"I would personally blame the people who gave the order and the ones who gladly consented to it. I have the witches in the house. We can decide then."
309k ~ 8/23/20

Thanks for 300k viewssss I love your comments and votes and all of that.

Next update tmr



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