chapter 26

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Eliana POV

"I killed my sister." Noah says. I stare at him, not saying a thing. His eyes blink as he looks to me and the floor.

"When I was younger, we were attacked by rogues and I had taken my little sister to hide." His hands retract back into his lap. I grab one, holding it tight. He glances at me and nods.

"A rogue cornered us on the way and I jumped in front of my little sister to protect her. He threw me to the side and my head hit a tree. I left her there at the mercy of him." Noah pauses. I shake my head, stroking his hand with my thumb.

There are no words to heal him from that.

He exhales.

"Everything was getting darker but I could see her, standing up to the rogue, trying to keep it away from me. Another rogue showed up and they- they killed her, the rest is black." His hand trembles in mine.

"That's horrible. You can't blame yourself, Noah. It'll eat you up inside." I utter, as tears fill my eyes. He scoffs.

"It already does. I've learned to live with my sin and I know it's the reason why I put so much work into my pack, because I let one of us die. It's my job to protect the Fang pack and I couldn't do that then." He nods to himself, glancing up to meet my eyes. His orbs widen as a warm tear trails down my cheek. His other hand quickly comes up to wipe it away as more fall out.

"Don't cry." He whispers, holding my jaw, staring into my soul.

The sadness of a mate becomes the sadness of his partner.

He wants to cry himself but he's holding back. He had to grow up so fast he couldn't grieve long enough as a child. He's still grieving.

I let go of his hand, instead throwing my arms around him and hugging him to my chest.

"It's ok to cry. Your pack needs an Alpha, but I need you. It's ok to let down that front with me. I told you I'd help you out, just consider this a little bit of that." I tighten my hold.

His breathing grows heavy against my chest as he slowly crawls his arms around me. Tears wet my face.

"I just wanted them to know, I'm sorry. I needed my parents and the pack to know how sorry I was. I loved her too. I was her big brother. I was supposed to protect her and yet they stole her from us." His voice cracks and my shoulder dampens.

I rub his back as sobs hit him. My tears dry as I listen to him. That's all I can do, be by his side and listen.

"I don't want to lose you Eliana. I'm going to protect you." He calms, nodding to himself.

"We'll get through this." I pull away but Noah tugs me back, falling on to the bed with me on top of him. His arms wrap around me and stuffs his face into the side of my neck.

"Noah," I yelp, bracing myself against his shoulders and keeping us inches away from each other's lips, as he looks back at me.

"Let's stay here. I'm tired of the pack today." He shuffles us under the covers, using his foot to kick the blankets over our bodies. I lay on his warm chest, my heart beating through my clothes.

That foot thing has to be a skill.

"Ok." I whisper as he turns me to his side, putting me in front of him.

I liked it on top of him better.

"I didn't want a Luna." He says, sneaking his hands around my waist. I smile.

Wait, huh?

"You don't want a Luna? What does that mean?" I stare at him, as my body tenses. He bursts out in laughter.

"I said 'didn't', don't worry." He brings a hand up behind my head and pushes me closer somehow.

Oh ok, then.

"What do you mean though?" I ask, again.

He didn't want a mate? Everybody wants a mate.

"I used to think that mating was a primal thing that the Moon Goddess put into play to see wolves reproduce. I thought it meant lust and gave a superficial type of care. You can say I don't believe in love at first sight. Only attraction." He sighs, as he abs push on to me. I snuggle closer.

He feels way too good like this. Maybe it's because I'm not sleepy like every other time we're this close.

"Do you believe that with me?" I ask, whisper.

I fell for Noah at first sight. He was the only light that had offered me a way to freedom and he let me embrace all of that and more.

"I was actually planning to avoid you when I had smelt you nearby. I thought for my pack I could give up everything, even you." He breathes out his last words. They hit like a punch to the gut.

Its true, if his pack pushes for something then he will make it happen. That's completely fair.

I nod.

"But I couldn't. Not after everything and seeing how they treated you. I wanted to come to you, but you beat me to it." He chuckles. I shiver thinking back. My thigh itches.

"Yeah, I did."

It was too dangerous to stay there any longer.

"I know Liam drove you out of your old pack, but I won't push you to tell me what he did. It's enough that your here and he won't be getting you back." Noah smiles, assuring me.

I don't know how to tell him I came here because Liam was about to cross a very disgusting line with me. For now, I won't.

"I'm glad I made it."

That was the scariest night of my life, from the howls in the night to the damning fall. I felt on the edge of death.

The door pounds, causing the both of us to flinch. Noah looks at me, sighs, and jumps out of the bed as I sit up. The door rumbles again.

He really never gets any breaks, does he?

"Can this wait?" Noah says, opening the door. The small breaded man, Robert, from before stands behind it.

"I think I found something." 
10.2k ~ 6/3/20

Hey guys it's crazy in the world rn but I hope my books can be an escape to that. Thanks for reading.

Next update on the 5th.


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