chapter 40

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Noah POV

"They went quiet? What do you mean?" I ask Kai as he stands in front of my desk.

"There hadn't been any notes or strange smelling rocks or dolls, sent to us for a day. It's all stopped." He says.

That makes no sense.

"Do you think it means something?" I ask, Kai as he shrugs.

"Maybe they realized meaningless threats weren't going to do anything to get Eliana back." He comments.

"So they might be getting an attack ready?" I reason.

That's the only thing that seems possible. They've sent something everyday without fail, despite our guard.

"Maybe. I'll get more guards on our boundary." Kai leans against my desk and smirks down at me.

This can't be good.

"What do you want?" I ask him as he smirks harder.

"I noticed you marked Eliana." He draws out Eliana's name.

"You're late. I did that a couple days ago." I say, grabbing a pile of files for our finances and shifting through them.

"I remember someone saying he didn't want a mate, but since she's got here, she's all you talk about." He chuckles. I scoff.

"She's not what I expected. I don't have to explain this to you." I say, sighing as I put the first pile down, picking up the sheets next to it.

"Aw, you're shy." He whines.

No, I'm not.

"Kai, don't you have to eat right now or something?" I ask, as he shakes his head.

"No. When are you going to make her Luna? I know you it planned for somewhere next week." He states. I nod.

"I want it done as soon as possible so she can feel accepted. Next week is the fastest you guys can set it up." I say, dipping back in my rolling chair. Kai nods, the smile on his face softening.

"I'm happy you found someone to be happy with. You seemed like you were always going to have a stick up your ass but, I guess love changes you." He walks towards my door, bumping into my stack slightly.

He's such a mess.

"Thanks. I 'm happy too." I say, as he waves to me and leaves the room.

Was I really that bad? I did everything I could for the pack until the day I was given the Alpha title and even then it was to ensure the safety of the pack.

I didn't think of bonding with my members because I had done them wrong. I had hurt one of our own, my sister.

The papers in my hands silently land on my desk as I place them down.

It was hard to go on with my life after my sister's death. In my eyes, there should've been something anyone could've done to save her. I should've been able to do something for her.

That's why I threw myself into work for the pack. I wanted to do all I could so that no would be in that kind of a situation, so helpless.

With Eliana, it's easier to see the worth of living beyond what I do as the Alpha of this pack. It's easier to want something other than peace and quiet in this lonely room.

I want to enjoy being with her and exploring everything with her. From the human world to under our blankets in bed, it all feels like an adventure with her.

I scoff.

When did I become such a bitch? The old me would laugh at who I am now, but that's fine too.

Everything's fine now.

I'm still working on the pack and finding those who killed my sister but I'm also living.

I'm letting myself live again with Eliana.

Eliana POV

"Do you feel the water passing through your fingers? Let your emotion and power flow like this, don't float in it, stand instead." Robert says, leaning against a tree as my hand freezes in a cold stream.

He's always taking me out to nature for these things and honestly, I think a session of that yoga stuff Alyssa does would help me out better than this.

I'm just not getting it.

"Think of the feeling you get when your panic takes over and you feel the blessing overwhelm you. Channel it." He repeats.

Ok, easier said than done, but I'll try.

It's always feels like I'm floating, then I come back to reality and I'm breathing heavily. It's scary.

The water runs by my fingers as I plant them, firm against the wave.

I'm in control. I can't be swept away.

"Good. That's all for today. You can open your eyes." I blink, as he starts his walk back home.

He always ends these so abruptly.

"Why can't we do more? I can handle it." I say, getting up from my crouching position, wringing out the water on my hands.

"The books say not to rush it. So I won't. This should be enough." He says, as I jog to catch up with him.

"Sorry, I guess I'm in a hurry because it's unpredictable. This whole thing seems unreal at times." I state, yawning as the afternoon sun makes it's way down the purple sky.

"I think I know what your mark means now." He says, stroking through his beard.

I was wondering when he would bring that up. Noah and I asked him days ago.

"It seems like because of your Royal blood. You given something to Noah, through marking. One of my books mentioned how if a Royal and a werewolf were mates, the Royal would give her or his mate some strength or power. It's so that both parents are equal and the Royal can trust their mate to protect the noble blood of their offspring." He states, as I listen with wide eyes.

"So what does this have to do with me and Noah?" I ask and he hums a yes.

"His stems on his rose are thick and his flower is blooming. This is the sign of strength and the birth of a stronger man. He won't realize it right away, but subtly it will count." Robert continues.

That's crazy.

"What about me?" I ask, my bud has yet to bloom. I'm not even sure if it can even change.

"You are a Royal who hasn't unleashed her true potential. This means nothing in your life has reached it's maximum, even your relationship with Noah. You have to be completely yourself for him to accept you, and right now, you are getting there. That's why you're a bud." We get to the front of the house, breaking out of the dense woods as I listen to him carefully.

So I have to unlock this curse, don't I? Control isn't enough.

I'll reach my maximum.
24.3k ~ 7/5/20

Sorry for the late update,  thanks so much for the support!!!

I update every other day, so stay tuneddddd


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