chapter 49

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Noah POV

My eyes skim Eliana's neck, the vines from her mark lingering all over it. Our marks are supposed to be the same but her's is bigger. Probably because she's a Royal.

What does it mean though? What happens when it blooms? Does it get bigger when she uses her powers? Will it bloom when she dies?

Will this curse take her from me?

A sharp pain goes through my heart. I can't lose her.

She's more far away from me now, then ever. All this blame being pushed on to her is taking it's toll. Fucking hell.

How can I stop this? What can I do to help? Why am I always so powerless?

Being Alpha means nothing. From the day my sister died, everything fell apart. I began retreating within myself, staying away from friends, family, things I loved.

I wanted to punishment myself for letting her die so easily.

Eliana's blaming herself for all of this, as if she was there when that wolf killed my sister. She wasn't. A lot of that pack wasn't.

But somehow, I've lived my life with hatred for every single one of them. I promised to kill off even their pups if I ever found them.

I shake my head. My arms brush against the silky sheets as Eliana's cheek soundlessly presses against my chest.

It was wrong. Those thoughts, that person I was, he was wrong. He let hate fuel him and blind him, refusing to even embrace the thought of a mate to further his own agenda.

My fingers tremble as Eliana's soft breaths comfort me.

You saved me. She saved me and I have no idea how to help her. Eliana brought me out of a nightmare and danced with me in a beautiful dream.

I'm not ready to wake up, not without her.

The Moonstribe pack still owes us blood and they will pay for what they've done. Those who deserve it will be punished. I can't blame all of them, without my pack pointing fingers at Eliana. Most of them don't deserve death anyway.

My forgiveness only spans so far. I will fight for my pack and Eliana, who was their victim for over 10 years.

They've hurt too many of my loved ones. I won't stand by anymore, I couldn't do anything in the past but now I've changed. Everything has changed

I'm itching to fight back.

Eliana POV

The harsh noon sun beats down on me as Robert hides in the shadows of the forest. My eyes stare into his as he does mine. I sit, legs crossed with my arms at my side.

This is... unimportant.

"If you feel ready, try to stop me from approaching you." His voice calls out among the trees. I nod.

He moves to take his first step in the halo of light surrounding me, as I sigh.

There are other things I have to do.

"Stop." I command. The muscles in my hands clench into fist as a wave of dizziness sends my vision into a slight blur. My eyelids press against the bugle of my cheekbones as I squeeze my eyes shut.

This feeling is familiar. That dream I had when I passed out, what happened in it? There was this lady. She said something like-

"You did it." My gaze finds Robert, his foot inches from the ground.

I'm doing that?

My hands relax and Robert's foot falls. He stumbles, trying to regain his balance as his black boot slips on the grass.

"Give me some warning!" He shouts, standing on both feet. I shrug, getting up off the ground and dusting myself off as he walks towards me.

"What happened to you? Why do you have so much control all of a sudden?" He stops in front of me. I squint at him as the sun reflects off his white shirt into my eyes.

"I don't know." I mutter. The old man strokes his beard, walking around me in a slow circle. I don't bother watching him go around.

He stops back in front of me as I look over his shoulder.

The woods I ran through to come here lay just above the cliff. Why didn't I just stay away?

Heavy hands come down on my shoulders and I flinch, meeting Robert's eyes again. He sighs, shaking his head.

"Listen, I don't care about whatever those pups have been gossiping about, ok? So when you're in my session, you pay attention to me. Leave all those thoughts in the house. I hate the look on your face." He scolds me. I nod.

I can't just act like nothing is going on. Even here.

He blinks at me and sighs again, taking his hands off of me and placing them behind his back.

"I know my words won't cheer you up, but I need you with me right now. We just made a huge step." He pats my arm and I nod again.

He's right, I should listen. These powers need to be tamed.

"What does it mean?" I breathe out, focusing on him. He grins.

"There we go. Okay, so I think your Mark is showing how well you can control your blessing and the potential it has." His eyes light up with a child-like light and I can't help the slight smile that slips onto my face.

"It hasn't completely bloomed yet though?" I ask, glancing down towards my collarbone.

"No, it hasn't but maybe with more practice, it will." He smirks, shaking his head. He begins walking towards the house as I follow.

"Doesn't that drain my life force?" I ask, the rustling of my steps echoing through the quiet area around us.

"That's true but the faster you're able to control this, the better chances you have of using it less." He reasons, I nod as my heart returns to the cold shadow. The pack house sits ahead of us.

It's my fault there. The bitter stares, screaming whispers, and tense atmosphere kills me. It kills everything I've become since coming here.

"I guess so." I reply, as we near the building. Shouts barely reach us as Noah's scent drifts in the air. My eyes widen and I take off, passing Robert as I sprint towards the front yard.

Noah, stop ruining your relationship with your pack for me. I'm nobody.

"-kill you. I'll fucking kill you." Noah's voice growls out as I turn the corner, seeing the side of his head. A pack member stands before him.

"You know she can't be Luna, Noah. I'm sorry but-" He's cut off as Noah pins him against a tree. He holds him up by his neck, choking him as his face turns more and more red.

"Fuck off. I can't live without her. You guys can't take her away from me. I'll-" My fingers wrap around his forearm. My gaze rests on his skin, as I pull his hand off the wolf. Noah's stare burns into the side of my face as the man collapses on the ground, coughing.

"Eliana..." My eyes meet his.

"You can't do this, Noah." I shake my head, tightening my grip.

I can't let him throw away what matters to him the most.
52k ~ 8/1/20

Woah guys thank u so much for 52k viewsssss.

This book is nearly completed!!!!

Next update in three days!!


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