chapter 59

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Eliana POV

"Moon Goddess?"

She has to be joking. There's no way.

"Yes, and you are the last of my dearest warriors." She says, her voice echoing in my head and the blank space around me.

"The last?- Wait, what happened to Liam?" I ask, panic rising in my heart.

Even if I'm in my mind, I wouldn't put it past him to do something to me anyway. Sick fuck.

"Don't worry. You teleported him to his bed. He won't be back due to the amount of power you put into your command." She whispers. I furrow my eyebrows.

I can do that? But I thought this power was only good for freezing people.

"You can command any wolf within the limits of my realm to do anything. That's the power I gave to the Royals, your ancestors."

If we had a power that great, why did we end up the way we are now? With only one left, me.

"That's amazing but then how did we lose against Moonstribe and the witches?" I ask, letting my question out into the air.

"Witches are not within my realm. They used spells and made the Moonstribe temporarily immune to your commands during that battle. Due to years, of being used by other wolves and killed so often, there weren't that many of you left to fight against them and win. I'm sorry I gave you all such a heavy burden." The voice cries, sending waves of sorrow within me as well.

Then they kept me alive to be their slave, to be given up to the witches.

"Yes, that's true. The witches want you so they can harvest your blessing. The pure energy of power I bestowed upon you is very strong. The witches have been using it to make wolves submit to them. They want every drop of your blood when your power is at it's peak. Now." She explains.

She can hear my thoughts.

The witches are trying to... harvest me? With their power and the fact my powers have no affect on them makes me a sitting duck with no escape.

"Why are you telling me all this? What's the point in me knowing this if I have no chance against them?" I yell out, tears coming to my eyes.

"You're stronger than them. Witches use vessels because they are weak. You have to find a way to defeat them, my child. I can't keep you here much longer." She says, her voice getting quieter as if she was going away.

No. I have more questions. I need more answers. What can I do to defeat them? How do I win? Will I ever have a home?

"Just know that you have more allies than you realize. I'll leave you one gift as I part. The rest is in your hands." The voice fades away, taking the warmth and light away, leaving only a dark, cold world around me.

"Wait! Don't leave! I can't do this alone." I scream into the abyss, reaching out into nothing. My body jolts as I fall backwards, speeding towards whatever ground that doesn't exist.

She's gone but I need more. I'm tired of feeling so alone.

I want to see Noah. I miss him.

"Noah." His name slips out my mouth as I hurl down, hard and fast.


Noah POV

"We're going into battle tomorrow morning." I announce quietly, sitting at the dining table as the pack eats breakfast. They freeze at my words, the room becoming silent.

"Tomorrow? I thought we would give it a day or two..." A wolf says. Many nod with him, agreeing as my temper flares again.

Why are they acting like this? I won't have the same conversation twice.

"You heard what that girl said yesterday. We were wrong to treat Eliana as anything but our own pack member. She's just as much as a victim as we are, if not more. I'm ashamed that I looked at her in any other light." Beth speaks up, her fist clenching around her fork. I nod.

I knew she would acknowledge her faults. This is the least she can do, for now. Eliana will need more than an apology when this is all over.

I'll have them beg on their knees for her forgiveness.

"You're right." Kai says, nodding. The pack sits in a tense silence.

"It's hard to admit we treated her wrong for no reason. I don't know if I'm ready to face her." Hunter mumbles. Sounds of agreement echo throughout the room.

"Then make it your mission to bring her back and do everything in your power to redeem yourselves." Alyssa stands at the entrance, a frown on her face as she walks further into the room.

"Eliana is one of us now. Are you all ready to fight for her? Are you ready to throw your lives away for revenge and redemption?" Robert adds. The pack sits still, the air thick.

"I-I am." A small voice comes from the end of the table. Jacklin trembles, but her voice comes clear.

"I will." Another voice speaks up.

"We have to." Another says.

The voices get louder as others join in, chiming in, willing to fight for their fallen members and forgiveness.

This is the pack I grew up in. This is the pack I lead.

A smile graces my lips as the energy in the room settles. Determined faces with hope in each pair of eyes watch me. I stand, pushing back my chair and letting my hands lean against the table.

I won't let Eliana be taken by witches. These sleepless nights filled with nightmares will end with her in my arms.

"We have only hours to prepare. Let's not waste anymore time." I state, looking around the room at my brother and sisters. My parents sit quietly with small smiles on their faces.

We believe in you, Noah.

I'm coming for you, Eliana.
257k ~ 8/20/20

Hey guys so I'm planning to update every single day until this story is done. I have a surprise for u all at the end. It's a good surprise

Thoughts on chap?

Next update tmr!


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