chapter 31

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Eliana POV

Why did I ever agree to this?

"C'mon Eliana! Get your knees up!" Beth shouts at me as she does her high knees nearly touching her forehead.

I don't think I deserve this.

I push my legs up higher as Beth pipes down for the first time in 20 minutes.

If I were a human, I don't think I'd be able to keep up with her, not even a little.

"Can, we be done?" I exhale out as me legs finally  give up on me and I crumble to the ground.

"You're such a baby." Beth smirks down at me, stopping her exercise and reaching to help me up.

"Are you kidding me?" I try to catch my breath as I throw myself against the trunk of an oak tree. Beth laughs.

Fucking bitch.

"It's not that bad. You did better than most beginners.  Don't you already feel stronger?" Beth pats me on my back and I scoff.

This is what I wanted but it's not what I wanted. How sore am I going to be from this later?

"Yeah I guess." I say, turning around and heading to the steps of the porch.

My legs need to rest. I need to pass out, before I actually pass out.

"Today's just day one. See you tomorrow and remember to stretch before you get too relaxed, ok? I'm getting lunch." She sends me a smile and I roll my eyes as she skips by me, like she wasn't just throwing her knees towards the sky beside me.

Maybe certain stuff is better cut out for certain people.

I stare on to the ground and take a drink of the water bottle Beth left for me.

At least, I know she cares a little bit about me.

I down the rest of the water and sigh out.

Maybe I am a baby.

I told Noah all that stuff and cried. I didn't want him to see me that weak, but I guess I haven't grown that much yet. I need to be stronger.

"Eliana?" A voice calls from in front of me and I glance up to see Robert.

He's a little late, isn't he?

"I was waiting for you at breakfast, but then Beth and I had something planned this morning too, I guess." I almost forgot about it until she dragged me off to the front yard.

I didn't hate it.

"Well then, this is the perfect time to start out exercises then."

Exercises? Did he not just hear who I said dragged me off?

"No, they aren't physical, just mental. After something so intense, your mind is waiting to be put at ease. Please follow me." Robert walks away and I stumble up, ignoring the shaking in my legs and trudge behind him.

This will all be worth it one day.

He goes pass his hut, walking into the forest behind it. I narrow my eyes, but continue after him.

I have to trust this guy.

We get deeper into the forest as crows call for one another and the noon sun beats down on us. My heavy limbs don't let up as we walk through the trees.

"Why are we going all the way out here?" I finally ask him. Robert glances back at me and smiles.

"This is a perfect spot." We stop in a small area with no trees and grass covering the ground.

The trees stand tall and high, like the night I had ran through the forest. Wild life whisper and sneak around us and the air hums with life.

This is the perfect spot.

"Sit down, Eliana. I want you to feel this grass around you." He sits down with a plop and I follow suit, slowly letting my body fall on to the small circular field.

"Put your hands in the grass and close your eyes." He closes his eyes, doing as he's told me to. His long white beard sits in his lap.

This is for my future. I can do this.

My eyes flutter shut and the quiet hum from before intensifies, capturing all my senses and mind, as I let my fingers feel the green grass.

Small vibrations go through it and the earth at my fingertips moves to my will.

"Do you feel how you've calmed? Can you tell you're in control right now?" Robert whispers out, his voice moving like the wind.

I don't know.

"It feels like everything around me is giving me this feeling. I don't think I'm controling this." I say, as a slight panic disturbs the peace.

"You're letting it in. You're allowing all of that in. It's all you." He says and the panic drifts away.

He's right. I'm feeling this way because I want to feel this way. I'm the one listening to the nature around me, I'm feeling it.

"You are always in control of your actions and emotions. The way you look at a situation will dictate your reaction towards it. Do you understand?" His messages dances around me, fading off as soon as it comes.

I get it. I get it enough.

"Yeah. I think I do." I let my words float out of my mouth as I breathe.

"Good. Good, that's a great place to start. Now open your eyes." The noon sun prick at my vision as the spot Robert sat at now lays empty.

"I'm over here!" A voice shouts and I look out into the forest and Robert stands at least a mile away in front of me.

What? But I swear I could hear him like he was right next to me. Werewolf boost or not.

Robert jogs over to me as I wait.

This makes no sense.

He reaches me, smiling as he pats my shoulder.

"You did it. The books said you guys could but I didn't believe it." He says, chuckling.

"What did I do?" I ask, confused.

I was listening to him, that's it.

"You urged yourself to hear my voice. So you did. It's one of the basic skills for a Royal, hearing things over long distances." Robert smirks at me.


"But how was that me in control? I have no idea what I did to cause that." I say, getting a bit mad.

"Think about it. You were focused on my voice and you heard it. You were completely concentrated on my voice. Try that throughout the day until our next lesson. Let's head home, it's going to get dark soon." With that, he turns on his heel and walks the way we came.

So what he's saying is concentration is key? I'll try that.

I'd try anything to get a hold of this curse.
14.3k ~ 6/13/20

Next update the 15th!

Love y'all.


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