chapter 27

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Noah POV

We sit in Robert's cramped ass hut as he pulls out book after to book, to lay out in front of us.

"So you found more information in these books?" I ask, leaning in closer to Eliana, holding her hand in mine.

If he can help even a little, it'll put a peace in my heart.

"I've gone through the books from my youth and the books from the beginning of our time. Small things have come up about the Royals, as their history and knowledge died with them. They would pass down their secrets with only spoken word," He says, staring at Eliana in awe. I take a deep breath.

He's helping her. If she isn't mad, I'm not either.

"We don't care about that. What did you find that could help her control this?" I say, narrowing my eyes at the old man.

"Or get rid of it." Eliana adds. I glance over at her. She stares down at the sprawled out books before us, as if demanding them to give us an answer.

She's mad about this. She's angry she has this power.

I squeeze her hand in mine. She looks to me and I give her a nod. She takes a deep breath as the furrow between her eyebrows decreases.

"The Royals had a very special healing ability. Their cuts and wounds would evaporate in hours, if not minutes. From what I've read, it seems you have not really awaken your complete gift. I don't know if you can." He grabs a book and begins looking for some page.

She was healing at an alarming rate considering she had fell off a high cliff when my men found her in the forest. She should've taken a week to get better, not a day, even with our wolves aiding us in recovery.

"I don't want it to awaken. It's already done enough damage." She says.

She blames herself. Her powers didn't hurt me. When I came to, it was like she had went from the floor to in my arms. It was like a quick sleep I had no idea I had gone through. It wasn't scary, just instant.

"It says, here that, 'the raging emotions of a demigod can only be tamed by the extent of control they have within their peace'." He reads as we blink at him.

"So there's a way for me to control it?" She asks, hope brightening her eyes. A warm current passes through me. Cute.

"Yes, you have to be able to control your emotions. So far every time your blessing has been used, you were experiencing some type of extreme fear or anger, right?" He asks. She swallows and looks to the floor.


"That's what is disturbing the peace within you. You have to be able to calm down and feel your power coming to your aid. Don't fight it, just channel it." He closes his eyes and and opens them exhaling.

"And how do I do that?" She asks.

"That's where I come in."

"What are you going to do?" I ask, as my fist tighten, nails biting into my palm. He sits straighter and nods.

"I will guide her through what she's feeling and how to channel that instead having random outbursts and not knowing how to control that. It'll be like yoga." He says, looking between Eliana and I.

That sounds possible.

Relief spreads through me like a cool glass of water on a hot summer day. For the first time in a while, I breathe.

I look to Eliana, she nods to herself, meeting Robert's eyes.

"When can I start?" She asks.

The day I met her she couldn't hold eye contact, and even when she came here, it was hard for her to open up. Now she's talking crazy to Beth and looking right back into every gaze.

A warmth spreads through me.

She's getting so strong, so quickly. She can handle this.

She'll fight for what she wants, and this is no different.

I'll let her take this on, I believe in her.

She's amazing.

Eliana POV

"Have you been avoiding me?" Alyssa starts, as her and Beth sit on either side of me in Beth's bedroom.

Noah and I were heading back to the pack house and then the entrance bursts open, revealing Hunter, Kai, Alyssa, and Beth. They marched up to us and the boys took Noah, claiming he had some meeting and The girls stole me and now here we are.

Of course we're here. It's not like I wanted to go back to bed with Noah, no that wasn't even on my mind.

I pout.

"No, I haven't. I've just had people dragging me places." I shoot a glare at Beth and she rolls her eyes.

"I'm only trying to help her out. She's a baby." Beth insults. I roll my eyes as well.

"Don't start, Beth. Cause you-"

"You're right. Let's not start." Alyssa puts her hand up and I stick my tongue out at Beth as she sends me a thumbs down.

I can't wait to beat her ass tomorrow.

"Stop acting like kids. That's not what we dragged you away for." She lowers her tone and Beth schooes in closer to the triangle we sit in on her bed.

"How's it going with Noah?" Sneaky little smiles make their way onto both their faces as they near me. I lean back, feeling a blush come to my cheeks. I look away.

"Well it's going." I respond. Beth sighs loudly.

"Stop acting like you don't know we want details. C'mon, haven't you ever gossiped with someone at your old pack?" She asks. My mood sours.

"I guess not." I say and they both frown, Beth looking to her side. They wait for me to elaborate.

I don't want to think about this or let it ruin my day.

"But, I really like Noah." I add, as they send each other a glance and their smiles reappearing.

I'm glad that cleared the air so fast.

"Duh, you like Noah. You guys are mates, we're asking if you guys have, you know..." Alyssa rubs her shoulder on mine, as I blink at her.

"C'mon, like you know, done a little something more." Beth finishes.

Even more heat rushes to my face as their eyes widen. They scream in unison as I grab pillows and throw them in their faces.

"Shut up!" I say, trying to calm the thought of my lips against his in my chest. It affects me way too much.

"I knew it, give me the 5." Alyssa says, turning to Beth as she sighs and reaches between her mattress and it's box to pull out some money. My mouth hangs open as I look between them.

"You guys made a bet about me?" I ask as Beth sucks her teeth.

"She thought you both would keep dancing around your feelings and never hook up. I knew Noah wouldn't let that happen." Alyssa says, snatching the money out of Beth's hands.

"So where's my cut?" I ask. They stare at me.

"I was the topic of the bet. Where's my cut?" I ask again.

I've never really had money of my own before so this could be cool.

"That's not how bets work." Beth avoids my gaze as Alyssa tries not to laugh.

"I love you, Eliana!" Alyssa says, wrapping her arms around me, bursting into laughter. Beth joins in, lunging her body on top of ours.

What did I do?

"You're so innocent. I'll give you some of my winnings, when Beth's fatass gets off of us." Alyssa wheezes out. I chuckle.

I never thought I would have friends like this. Years and years of being told I'm not worth a thing and then I come here and I have friendships and love and people who care about me.

It's the weirdest thing ever, but I wouldn't trade it for the world.
11k ~ 5/5/20

Sorry i was late

Next update in 2 days!


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