chapter 47

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Eliana POV

Water drips down from the sides of my face and chin, as I let a deep breath out.

Hopefully Noah doesn't see how puffy my eyes are from crying last night.

I shut them tight, taking another deep breath in.

This is the reality of the situation. I'm a wolf from an enemy pack, the same pack that killed their family and friends. Samantha.


I've tried so hard to belong somewhere, truly, without being used, abused or hated, but I guess that's something really hard to do. Impossible.

It's not for me.

Noah groans from the bed and I quickly grab the towel from the side of me, drying my face. I turn, facing him as he sits up, yawning as his eyes lay on me.

He's hurting, I know he is. This whole thing fucking hurts.

"It wasn't a dream..." He whispers, as a wide smile spreads on his lips. My heart beats fast as my face cools, the rest of the water drying on my skin.

"Good morning. I think we should give Alyssa back her office today. She's busy." I say, glazing over the fact of the matter we both know.

When I leave this room, I have to see the pack. Beth's visit last night flashes in my mind and I swallow.

She was close with Samantha. It's no surprise she holds this against me. I'm related to them.

"Can't we stay a little longer?" He asks, his question drawing a more serious tone.

He knows just as well as I do what's out there. He knows they didn't just forgive me. Even if he did order them to treat as before, they can't fake it forever.

"Get up, c'mon I'm hungry." I walk to his side, my finger trailing along the side of his jaw. He hums, leaning into my touch as I grin.

You've made me so happy, I won't make you choose.

I move to leave the room, but Noah grabs my hand, pulling me back into his arms. My eyes look down to see him attached at my waist, tingles and butterflies spreading from his hug.

"I don't care what anyone says, Eliana. I won't abandon you. Believe me." He mumbles, his grip tightening on me.

Then who are you willing to give up? Your pack?

"I trust you, Noah. Now get up." I run my fingers through his soft hair as he nods, sighing.

"Let me get ready." He slides off me, throwing the blanket to the side and getting up onto the floor.

"I'll head to the room. I have to do something about my hair or else it'll be too matted up to manage." Three days asleep with no bonnet could get really bad, and plus...

"Wait for me." Noah says, his mouth full of suds.

...I have to face them without Noah by my side. I can't hide behind him. I've grown from that girl who's afraid of what's to come.

I won't bend, I'll just let it hit me. No matter how much it bleeds.

"It's no big deal. I'll be right back, don't worry." I head to the door, twisting the knob as my heart begins to beat faster.

"Eliana, no. Wait for m-" I cut him off.

"I said I'd be quick. Bye." I slip out the room, shutting the door behind me and hurrying down the hallway around the corner.

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