Season Finale (Bill Hader)

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Y/n walked on stage.

It had been almost 7 years since she had left Snl, and going back to where her carrier had begun made her feel so happy... She had never noticed how much she had missed it.

"Hi!" She smiled, as the crowd cheered "It's so nice to be back here!... Hi!"

"Thank you... wow, it's really been a while!... You know, I missed this place. When Lorne asked me to come back to host, a couple weeks ago, I was really surprised."

"You want me hosting? I asked him confused, The season finale? You're sure you're not looking for Bill?" she laughed, as the audience laughed.

"But...ehm... no, I was really happy that he asked me. I really wanted to come back" she smiled " know, I'm in a movie that's coming out next week..."

The crowd cheered.

"Y-yeah... and I was really excited about it, when they called me. It went kinda like this"

"Miss y/l/n?" she said, imitating the man's voice.

"Ehm, yes?" she pretended to be on the phone.

"Hi, I'm calling you for an audition. We're doing a movie, it's called Oakland. We need a female lead, and we thought of you"

"O-oh..." she said, pretending to be surprised "...Again, you're sure it's not Bill you're looking for? I mean..." she said, making them laugh again, as the 'flashback' finished.

"Anyway... I'm really happy to be in it, it's a big thing, for me... and my husband has been helping me a lot with it... you know, it's my first movie, I've never been on the big screen before"

"Bill is such an inspiration for me... in everything I do. I've known him since 2006, when I started working here, and I'm really glad I got to be on the cast of this amazing show, and got the chance to meet him-

"I really am too" said a voice from behind her.

She smiled, recognizing it as his husband's one.

He walked towards her, and stood beside her, as the crowd cheered.

"Hi!" he said, waving happily at them.

Once they got quiet, Bill looked at her wife, smiling.

"Hi honey" he said softly.

"What are you doing here?" she asked in amazement.

"I'm supporting you!...Do you want me to go away? 'Cause I can wait backstage, if that's what you want-

"You're so dumb... Of course I want you here! You're my husband, I want you beside me everywhere!" she laughed.


"Yeah! Of course!"

"...I love you so much" he said softly, looking in her eyes.

"I know... I love you too" she smiled.

"Many of you probably don't know this" said Bill, turning to the audience "But y/n and I got married in 2013, in the best day ever, of the best year ever... and we've got the best children ever, waiting at home for us in the best house ever... and nothing of this wouldn't have happened, if we hadn't met 14 years ago, on this same stage..."

"You're right... and you know who we have to thank for that?"


"The great Lorne Micheals!"

The crowd cheered, as the cameras backstage filmed him, as he lifted his glass of white wine, smiling.

"Oh my God! Did he just smile to us?!" Said Bill, looking at his wife in pure shock.

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