Sand (Andy Samberg)

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"Hey guys! Ready to party?" Andy exclaimed, as his friends and colleagues from Snl got on the bus.

"Yeah!" They shouted back.

It was Andy's thirtieth birthday, and he and his best friends, Jorma and Akiva, had planned the 'perfect party', as he had told everyone over the last two weeks.

The plan was to go to Lorne's beach house (since it was an important occasion, he had agreed on letting them use it for the weekend) and get wasted. Like, a lot.

There would have been dancing, sessions of drunk karaoke, a big and bubbling jacuzzi...

The best part about it? It was in mid-August.

He seemed so excited, welcoming his friends on the bus. You could tell by looking at his face that he had been waiting for that day for a long time.

Y/n got in, talking with Bill.

"Hi!" Andy smiled, greeting them.

"Hey man! Happy birthday!" said Bill, hugging him "You're finally thirty too"

"I'm just a couple months younger than you, don't treat me like I'm a baby" he chuckled.

"Well, I'm gonna go find a seat. See you later, I guess" he smiled at the two of them, leaving.

"Hey, birthday boy!" she giggled softly.

"Hey, so happy you made it!... What made you change your mind about coming?"

"Oh... nothing important, really... but I'm really happy I managed to. I mean, the thirtieth birthday is an important one, right?"

"Yeah, I guess so" he laughed, making her blush.

"W-well, I'm gonna let you say hi to the others... I don't wanna steal their chance to say happy birthday"
she smiled.

"Well... see you later, then" he said softly.

"Yeah..." she blushed, moving a lock of hair behind her ear "See you later"

She walked past him, going towards the back of the bus, where Cecily was keeping a seat free for her.

"Hey girl!" She smiled at him.

"Hi Cec" y/n chuckled.

"Come on, I kept you this place beside me..." she said, patting on the seat next to her.

"Thanks!" she said, as she sat down.

"...What were you two talking about?" she whispered.

"Oh, just... normal stuff... I just said 'happy birthday', and came here..."

"So you haven't told him about Derek yet?"

"No...why should I tell him anyway? It's not like he'd care..."

"Of course he would! You're friends!"

"It's his birthday! He should be having a great time with his friends!... I'll tell him another time... Just, promise me you won't do it first"

Cecily sighed.
"Whatever you want, girl. My lips are sealed"

They arrived at Lorne's beach house a couple of hours later.

"I can't believe he actually let us use it! It's amazing!" said Jorm, as they entered.

It was a nice house, with two floors.
On the first one (the one at the bottom), a big living room, a bathroom, and some rooms they weren't allowed to enter. On the second one, a kitchen, another smaller living room, some bedrooms, and a little balcony.
The view was amazing there.

"So..." Andy caught everyone's attention, as they entered the living room on the first floor "We've got alcohol over there..." he said, pointing to a table full of bottles.

Beer, vodka, whiskey... anything that you could possibly think of was there.

"...And... we've got music over there..."
There were some stereos at the end of the room and a laptop.

"And... what else... Kiv?"

"There's food and snacks upstairs in the kitchen, and we signed every bedroom's door with the names of who's sleeping in it" Akiva added.

"Right, thanks Kiv!...Oh, and, since we're a lot of people, and we have just two bathrooms, be very quick, when you're puking, ok? 'Cause there surely will be a lot of people that need to throw up too, so..." he giggled.

"Who's ready to party?" He yelled.

"Us!" everyone else shouted back.

"I said, who's ready to partyyy!!!"

The music started blasting through the room. It was going to be a great night.

It was almost midnight, and the party had divided in three major areas, by now.

Fred and Bill were leading the karaoke, singing, already drunk, old songs from the seventies. The kind of songs everybody has sung at least once in his life. With them, most of the girls.

Akiva and Jorma were telling stories about Andy, especially ones of when the three of them were still in Berkeley, their hometown, making everyone in the living room laugh.
Listening to them, sitting on the sofa and the couches in the room, Seth, John, y/n and a couple others.

And then there were Kristen and Cecily leading the dance off that had started almost half an hour earlier, shouting and laughing.

They already seemed wasted.
On the dancefloor with them, Leslie, Jimmy Fallon, and Justin Timberlake, that surprisingly wasn't singing along to the songs as many would've thought.

Everyone was having a blast.

Y/n was enjoying another one of Jorm's anecdotes about Andy, when she realized that something was missing.

Nay, someone. Someone was missing.

She looked around.
Everyone was having a good time... the only one he couldn't find was the one that should have been enjoying himself more than everybody else.


She got up from the sofa.

"Hey, where are you going?"
John whispered, curious.

"I can't see Andy... I wanted to see if he was ok"

"Oh, ok... call me if you need help" he smiled.

"Will do, thanks"

She quickly crossed the room, knocking on the bathroom door.

No one answered.

"He must be upstairs" she thought.

She quickly got to the staircase and walked up to the second floor.

Except for the loud music that came from downstairs, the room was silent.
No sign of people talking, or being up there at all.

She was about to go back down, when she noticed that the doors of the balcony were open.

Y/n walked though them, smiling as she saw him there, standing in front of her.

He was looking down, lost in his thoughts. Every now and then, he'd take a sip of the beer he had in his left hand, but he didn't seem too drunk.

"Hey..." she said soflty, as she walked up to him.

He turned around for a moment, smiling at her, and then looked back down when she was finally beside him.

"So... what's wrong?"

A/N :/
Hey guys! Thanks for reading!
I think I'll upload the next part tomorrow, if I'm not too busy with school and stuff.
Let me know what you think about it!
Hope you liked it :)


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