Talk to Me (Bill Hader)

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"Y/n, are you ok?" Bill asked, knocking on y/n's door.

The concearn on his face grew, as he waited for response outside her flat.

Suddently, he heard some muffled footsteps, and a key turning in the lock.

"Why did she lock the door if she was still in?" He thought.

The door slid open, revealing y/n.

She was wearing a large hoodie and some sweatpants, and her hair, from beneath the hood, looked messy, as if she had just woken up.

She looked up from the floor.
Her eyes were red.

"...Have you been crying?" he asked, worried.

Without saying anything, y/n stepped aside, implying that she was letting him in.

Bill smiled softly, and entered.

She closed the door, and walked him to the sofa, where she sat down, bringing her legs up to her chest and wrapping her arms around them.

He sat next to her, and looked at her, as she stared at the floor, sad.

"Y/n... what's wrong?"

"I-I don't know..." she sniffed, as she dried off the tears on her cheek with the back of her hand.

"...I think you do know" he said softly "...You wouldn't have let me in, if you didn't..."

Y/n thought about it for a second.
It made a lot of sense, actually.

"Wanna talk about it?"

She nodded, taking a deep breath.

"...It's just that... I-I..."
She sighed, as tears came back.
"I-I can't do this anymore..."

"...What do you mean?"

"...I-I'm tired, Bill... I'm tired of being alone, of being unhappy..." she sobbed, chocking on every word "I-I'm tired of... my life..."

Bill put a hand on her knee, trying to comfort her.

He felt terrible. seeing her like that was so painful.

She seemed happy, when she was at work. She laughed, she joked, she smiled... was she always faking it? Was she always pretending?

How did he never notice?

He was in shock, but he hid it.
He had to be strong for her.

"I can't do this, Bill... I-I..."

She started crying harder, tightening the grip around her legs.

Bill followed his instinct, and got closer, hugging her.

She shook in his arms, almost like she was cold, and rested her head on his chest, as he caressed her back, slowly moving his hands up and down.

She felt so tired.

Y/n tried to talk, but everytime she opened her mouth, she felt her throat clench, closing in her neck.

She almost couldn't breathe.

She felt like her brain was about to explode, as she had the strongest migraine she could ever imagine.

Bill felt her hands shaking, while her arms slowly wrapped around his waist.

"I-I'm scared, Bill" she stuttered, tightening the grip, as she grabbed the fabric of his shirt.

She whined in pain, hiding her face in his chest.

"Hey, shhh..." he said softly.
"It's ok, I'm here..."

He moved up his right hand, gently running it through her hair, caressing the back of her head.

She bit her lower lip, and, as she heard his words, she felt the tension in her limbs disappear.

She melted in his arms, closing her eyes. She finally felt safe.

As the last tears came, she sniffed, and looked up at him.

Bill rested a hand on her cheek and dried them off with his thumb, smiling softly.


"Yeah... but I still know these thoughts will come back tonight, and I'm tired of crying..." she looked away, ashamed.

"Don't worry about it, y/n" he said, lifting her chin up to look in her eyes "I won't let them"

Bill, after almost ten minutes, finally convinced y/n on letting him stay with her for the night.

He couldn't go back home knowing she'd be crying herself to sleep.
Keeping her company was the only thing he could do.

He wanted her to feel happy, and, hopefully, spending some time with a friend could've helped.

"What do you wanna watch?" Y/n asked, sitting back beside him on the sofa, with some beers in her hand.

"Anything that will make you laugh" he said, softly smiling at her.

Y/n blushed, quickly looking away, and took the remote, changing the channel.

"Would 'The Office' be good?" she asked.

"Of course! Put it on!"

As the show went on, y/n started laughing more and more often, leaving Bill with a sense of both happiness and sadness.

He couldn't know if she would've stayed with him forever, especially now that he knew how she was really feeling.

She hadn't talked much about it, but he could tell there were a lot more things she had on her mind that made her sad.

What if one day he woke up and she wasn't there anymore?

Tears started slowly coming down his cheeks. He didn't want to lose her.

"Bill, what's wrong?" Y/n asked concearned, turning off the tv.

"N-nothing..." he said, quickly dring them off with the back of his hand.

"Don't nothing me, Bill! I know there's something on your mind, and I really want to know what it is!" she said, more and more worried.

Bill looked away, sad.

"I'm scared that... that I'll lose you..."
he sniffed, starting to cry again "...And there's something I need to tell you that I know I will regret it, if I don't..."

"Bill... I promise I won't leave you, ok? I-

"I love you, y/n" he said, interrupting her "...I always did, since the first day I saw you... And I know that you don't feel the same way, I'm completely ok with that, but... after seeing you like that, earlier, I realized that I could've lost you really easily, and... I-I needed to get it off my chest..."

Y/n froze, internalizing what he had just said.

Seeing the look on her face, Bill sighed, looking away again.

"I'll go home, I... I don't want to make this weirder than it already is-

Before he could finish, y/n smashed her lips on his, smiling.

He stood still for a moment, and melted, as he realized what was happening.

They slowly pulled away, smiling.

She finally felt happy.
They both did.

A/N :/
Hey guys! Thanks for reading!
Sorry for the long pause between the updates, but I had kinda ran out of ideas. Hope you liked it!


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