Chapter:- 21

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Anum's POV:

I was looking at him who was not in his senses. He was continuously running his hands in his hair making it messy. He face palmed himself and that's when I saw a tear rolled down at his cheek. I hold his hand wiping the tear away. He looked at me with teary eyes. I gave him a weak smile. I got up to bring water for him when he hold my hand, I looked at him with questioning eyes.

"Where are you going?" He asked in broken tone.

"To bring water for you." I said sitting beside him.

"I don't need it. Just be here. With me." He said smiling weakly. I nodded. We kept sitting there silently. I was waiting for him to release what is in his heart after listening to Badi Ammi.

"I wish I could kill that bloody man." He said gritting his teeth. I looked at him.

"I really want to kill him. How can he do that? She was just a baby. A little baby who didn't even know what life is. He should have at least thought about his daughter at her place." He was saying and a tear again flow down on his cheek.

"Don't get your hands dirty by that ba***rd's blood. There is law for him and if not law then there is Allah. HE will punish him. And about thinking about his daughter at her place, he didn't because he don't have any. He is a monster, beast. Who just wants to satisfy his hunger. And we should thanks Allah, right? Because HE sent Mom there on the right time to save Appi. We should thank HIM Zayan." I said wiping his tears while he looked at me and nodded.

"You are right. There is Allah to punish him. But I'm feeling disgust towards myself. How can I not know that my sister had suffered from the most dreadful situation? I should have asked about this earlier. I don't deserve to be their brother. They love me the most and I couldn't help them. I can't even find the long lost sister if mine. Though I got to know about her from last three months." He was saying slowly but I was shocked at the mention of long lost sister. Does he know about Aaniya? But right now I have to put some sense in him. How can he feel disgusting?

"Done with your blabbering? How can you talk like that? If any of them will hear what you said awhile ago they will give you a good hearing. You were there for them always. In every situation of their lives. Good or bad. You were with them and you'll be Insha Allah." I said holding his face in my palm. He was looking at me with those black eyes which makes me down in them.

"And knowing about this incident, you were not that big to ask and understand that. So why are feeling like this? Why are you feeling disgusting? You should raise your head high up and make that ba***rd suffer the way Badi Ammi and Bade Papa suffered. That monster should feel disgust of himself. Not you." I said caressing his cheek lovingly while he was looking at me without blinking.

"But you know what? He won't feel disgust towards himself like you are feeling. Because he is a monster. A mother f***er. Who just fulfill his desires by hurting girls and women." I said furiously. And here he calmed me down by hugging me to his chest. After sometime I pulled away and looked at him who has some tears in his eyes. I wiped it from the corner of his eye. He took my hand in his and kept looking at it. We were sitting there in silence. When he didn't say anything I decided to talk.

"What are you looking at?" I asked him when he didn't look up. Just was continuously gazing my hands.

"I'm thinking if this hand will always be there to hold my hand when I fall down, to wipe my tears breakdown, to hug me, to console me?" He was saying and I was smiling at his beautiful words with tears.

"Insha Allah always. They won't leave your hands until Allah has planned our lives. Till our last breathes." I said smiling at him and in return I got which was missing from the time Badi Ammi told us about the incident. His smile. A big one. Bright one.

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