#10 I don't double dip.

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Early morning rays cascaded across my bedroom floor marking it's territory with vertical lines made up of light and shadows

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Early morning rays cascaded across my bedroom floor marking it's territory with vertical lines made up of light and shadows. Sitting up my mind instantly floated back to Liam, was I dreaming of him last night? A smile grew on my lips uncontrollably as I absent mindlessly allowed my thumb to circle over my wrist.

After showering I slipped on denim shorts with a simple tank top, grabbed a pop tart and made my way out the door earlier than usual, a little too eager to get to school. Since I had a few minutes spare I thought I would check something out that was eating away at the back of my mind.

The tree house.

Yesterday when I came home from school I had completely forgotten about the mysterious light I had seen the night before, my mind was too pre occupied with irrational thoughts about Liam. I can't remember the last time I went inside the tree house. When I was a child I practically lived up there but as I got older I stopped climbing those steps and forgot it even existed.

To anyone else it's not that special but my late Grampa made it for me when I was around five years old so it holds such a dear place in my heart attached with copious memories. Some even with Liam. Just four brown walls that made up a fairly large square with two slanted pieces of wood that made a pointed green roof, there was a rectangle door cut out and a small window to the left of the door. It was located at the bottom of my long garden, high up in a tree.

Craning my neck right back I looked up at the beauty before I started my climb. Carefully gripping the wooden planks in case some of them had come lose over time I slowly start climbing higher and higher until I reach the top.

The essence of ceder wood crept into my senses and flooded back memories of little, sad sapphire rings and numerous childhood games. My heart hitched for a moment, nervous in case an intruder had done some damage to this sentimental heap of wood. Cautiously I peeked my head inside and gave everywhere the once over.

Everything looked normal from what I remember but whew! I sure did leave this place a dump. Empty food packages littered the floor, chips, soda cans, odd little bars I even hadn't seen before. I gathered everything up in my arms in one swoop and descended back down.

BAD BOY ABUSED (female pov read first)Where stories live. Discover now