#59 I know You.

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My parents have been home now for almost a week now, it's been really good having them back and I think they plan on staying around for a while this time

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My parents have been home now for almost a week now, it's been really good having them back and I think they plan on staying around for a while this time. However with them being home Liam can't stay over so I haven't really spent that much time with him since the beach. This weekend he is going camping with his friends so we decided to hold off on our first date until the weekend after. I've been begging Tia to spill some of the plans but frustratingly she is keeping impeccably tight lipped.

"Lets go the cinema on Saturday and then you can stay over at mine." I asked Tia because I knew I needed a distraction from not spending the weekend with Liam when we should've been going on our first date.

"Sounds like a plan." she replied, throwing a forkful of cabbage in her mouth.


Liam was already sitting in his chair when I arrived at the psychology classroom. He looked naturally good, running his fingers through his chestnut hair causing the light to bounce off and illuminate the natural blonde highlights. His signature jacket sat proud over his shoulders and his legs were outstretched under the table in a relaxing manner. Ruby obviously noticed how good he looked because she hung over him in an attempt to get him to notice her but he looked tense and disinterested. I wish she would give up, it's clear she makes him uncomfortable.

"Hey" I said, dropping down into my own seat and glaring at Ruby until she took the hint and disappeared back to her own chair. "You excited for the camping trip?" 

Liam laughed, like there was some sort of hidden joke that I wasn't a part of. "Yeah." he replied, not elaborating more.

"What exactly do you do on these camping trips?" I was now burning with curiosity, especially seeing Liams smile grow further as I asked that question.

"What happens at camping, stays at camping." He tapped his lip seductively, I hate it when he brings my attention to his lips because then I can't look at or think about anything else. I think he does it on purpose, as some sort of tactic to distract me.

"I've missed you, we haven't really seen each other much since your parents have been home." he pulled my thoughts away from his lips with his sweet admission, it was very forthcoming he is not usually this open with his feelings. 

"I've missed you too, I want you to meet them sometime." I threw it out there and already I could see his body stiffen as the darkness whirls in threatening to swallow him whole.

"I've already met them." He spoke in a deep voice that was supposed to warn me off but I stopped following those unspoken warnings a long time ago. He rubbed the back of his neck and threw on his blank game face.

"That was when you were seven, I mean now that you're seventeen." I rolled my eyes at his coyness. 

"I don't know." his voice trailed off betraying his confidence.

"Maybe the weekend after your camping trip?" I think I looked a little too hopeful, I was scaring him off, I could feel it.

"That's when we're going on our date." He said, trying to get out of it.

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