#43 You know you're ugly right?

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"He shoots, He scores!" Harris talked himself up as he shot hoops in the indoor basket ball court

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"He shoots, He scores!" Harris talked himself up as he shot hoops in the indoor basket ball court. Tia & I sat with him during our free period and it was just so nice to hang out together even if I did have my nose stuck inside my geography notes.

"You're always studying, why? You're so clever anyway we all know you'll pass with flying A's." Tia complained, I ignored her.

Harris waltzed up to me and snatched the book out my hands, showcasing his imperfect smile and backing up slowly away from me.

"Harris give that back!" I marched towards him and jumped for my book but he was much higher than me and held it out stretched in his hands. I could hear giggles coming from Tia who sat crossed legged on the floor to the side of the court. "Harris I'm not joking! Give it back" I warned jumping on his back, crossing my legs around his front for stability. Harris started running round and round causing me to laugh even though I was annoyed, still reaching out for my book.

Lights flooded the hall and our attention fell on the door as coach walked in, soccer team in tow holding two portable goals. "We're using this gymnasium for soccer practice, the field is water logged. You guys will have to take your free period to the library." 

Liam looked me up and down as I remained straddled to Harris' back. He wore guarded blue eyes, consumed by the darkness but as an expert Liam expression reader I knew he was hurt, probably thinking about the time he lost control with Harris and the fact he has far too much pride to apologize. I unhooked my legs and slipped slowly down Harris' back, keeping my green eyes locked onto his in an apologetic stance. We grabbed our bags and walked out leaving the cold encounter behind us.


I entered psychology, expecting the wrath of Liam. He was already there drumming his fingers on the table to whatever beat he was listening to down his ear phones. He doesn't look like he's in a bad mood. I flopped down in my seat next to him, careful not to touch him. Mr Hibbert banged on the table to get everyone to quieten down and listen to him.

"Lets learn about each others families today, ask questions about parents, grandparents, siblings and try to link together similarities between your partner and where they come from in a nurture, nature theory. I have question worksheets for you to answer but it's your job to pry harder for deeper answers"

"God what is with this teacher?" I glanced at Liam whose face was engulfed in fear, his almost silver eyes scanned the questions on the worksheet and he shook his head. "Liv, I can't do this lesson, I'm going to have to ditch, sorry." 

I reached my hand up slowly as he followed my hand with his eyes, resting it on his I offered him some comfort "Liam don't skip, it will be okay. Do you trust me?" He searched my warm eyes for a second before nodding his head. I think disbelief washed over him, he couldn't believe what he was staying. "Answer what you can, say 'pass' to anything you don't want to answer." He nodded again but his whole body was tense, I knew he was unbelievably uncomfortable preparing for the darkness to consume him.

BAD BOY ABUSED (female pov read first)Where stories live. Discover now