#33 I will fall!

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The cold shoulder was getting tiresome, Liam & I had not spoken to each other at all the whole day

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The cold shoulder was getting tiresome, Liam & I had not spoken to each other at all the whole day. I was standing in the parking lot waiting for Harris since he was taking me somewhere today and to be honest I was having second thoughts about it. 

The school doors opened and I looked up meeting eye to eye with Liam, he lingered his impenetrable eyes on me longer than needed as he walked by, heading for his bike. The sunlight bounced from the natural highlights of his chestnut hair as he ran his fingers through it. Although he looked unapproachable he was surrounded by girls who tried to talk to him. He shot each one down apathetically.  Liam placed the helmet on his head and the engine roared to life. As quick as a flash he was gone, leaving me watching the dust settle back on the ground.

"You ready?" Harris brought me back. 

"Yeah, where are we going?" 

"You'll see." He had a charming smile on his face that just reminded me that he was a genuine, all round nice guy.

We were in his midnight blue car, it wasn't anything fancy but it got us from A to B. I fiddled with the stereo and 'Barbie Girl' vibrated through the speakers. I glanced at Harris with a stupidly wide smile plastered across my face.

"Classic." He muttered as a way of explanation and he wasn't wrong.

I watched as his lips twitched during the song, like he was desperately trying to hold back from singing. We reached a stop light and he glanced at me, face lit up with happiness that echoed on my own. Wearing knowing looks on our face we both broke out in song, winding the windows down to make sure the cars next to us could hear us howling. We the proceeded to sing the next three songs, all extremely girly and something you wouldn't expect a basketball player to have in his car.

As we pulled up on the promenade I already felt better. Liam was mostly out my mind and Harris was doing a good job at distracting me with his feel good songs.

"Whenever I'm feeling down I come to this promenade. I start here and work my way up back towards our school. I have a checklist and we can't leave until we complete the checklist, you wanna hear it?"  


"We must consume cotton candy, donuts, a corn dog and an ice cream. We must win a stuffed animal at one of the kiosks. We must take advantage of the photo booth. We must ride the Ferris wheel and lastly we must challenge each other to best out of three on the dance mat." 

H grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the first stop, donuts. He was telling me about how comfort eating is the best way to make you feel better but you don't want to get sucked down the rabbit hole of eating your feelings so you pick one day where you eat your weight in junk food and where has the best junk food? Promenades. It seemed legit. We got a small paper bag with little sugar donuts inside, they were still warm and melted into your mouth radiating the appetizing smell of cinnamon and sugar.

BAD BOY ABUSED (female pov read first)Where stories live. Discover now