#41 So she's part of a bet.

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"Honestly you have nothing to worry about Ruby

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"Honestly you have nothing to worry about Ruby." 

I sat deadly still inside the toilet cubicle with my ears perked up listening to the bitches talk, they had no idea I was in here. 

"You know every year they all have this ridiculous bet to bed someone at the lock in, well that's all it is." 

"Are you sure?" an annoying voice that could only be Ruby's asked.

"Yeah, Zak told me. They've upped the stakes this year, the person who beds the lamest girl wins. Of course Zak isn't taking part because he's my boyfriend but the others are all in. Liams just playing her so he can humiliate her later." 

"So she's part of a bet and he's putting on a show?"


"I hate that girl."

I listened as their voices became more distant and the sound of the bathroom door closing drowned them out completely. Self doubt flooded my mind, so I was a bet?

By the time the lunch bell rung I was hyperventilating deep in my own doubts, my mind went over everything that has ever happened between Liam and I. A sickening feeling filled the pits of my stomach when I realized his friends were always there. They shared their lunch with me, probably around the time they first made this dumb bet. They initiated the seven minutes in heaven game. They showed up in our room during tournament week and even worse Jordan was the one to text me to meet Liam the first time we kissed. His friends were the ones that found me to pull Liam out of one of his dark moments when he was smashing up the bathroom. Was it all just an act? How could I be so stupid?

I moved the carrots around on my fork, unable to actually consume anything. 


"Yeah" She said with a mouthful of mashed potato.

"You think Liams friendship with me is all part of a bet to 'bed the lamest person' at the lock in?

She halted mid chew and her dark skin paled ever so slightly.

"I think they're all douchebags so that's definitely something they're capable of but I know you think your friendship is sincere so I don't want to believe he would do that. Just be careful, keep your panties up and don't fall for him." 

It seemed like sound advice. I was definitely going to keep my panties up but I think I was already failing at the latter. I debated asking him but I just didn't want to cause problems when we agreed to try the friendship thing properly. 


I sat in history class, we've been tasked to the computers to research certain points in history but I couldn't concentrate. My eyes kept fleeting towards Ben and Zak who were being idiots across the room, I could ask them discreetly. Currently they were listening to each others music and strumming an air guitar across their chest. I would normally get nervous approaching any of the jocks but right now I just wanted answers and knew they were my best shot. I hit print on my computer and made my way to the printer which was conveniently located right next to them.

BAD BOY ABUSED (female pov read first)Where stories live. Discover now