#45 I won, you know what that means?

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Liam lay on my bed bouncing a soccer ball against the wall and catching it again in his hands, he had been doing it for about an hour and the constant bangs was honestly getting on my nerves

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Liam lay on my bed bouncing a soccer ball against the wall and catching it again in his hands, he had been doing it for about an hour and the constant bangs was honestly getting on my nerves.

"Would you stop that, Mrs Cravat will complain."

I asked, referring to my nosy neighbor who likes to moan at any given chance she gets. Liam titled his head back and glanced at me upside down. A mischievous glint sparkled in his eyes and he rose to his knees, pressing his face against the wall, holding his hands around his mouth to amplify the sound. He started making really loud inappropriate noises.

"You like that don't you Mrs Cravat? You naughty, naughty girl." He shouted through his pretend moans and groans. 

"Liam!" I picked up my pillow and threw it at him. 

"Liv, I'm bored. You invite me to hang out but you've been glued to your computer researching what different chemical reactions you can create with baking soda. Let's go out." 

"Where?" I ask, returning back to my chemistry assignment.

"I don't know, bowling?" He suggested. 


The bowling alley was a super cool place to hang out, I haven't been here since I was a child but it's had a complete remodel and was now music themed with over sized guitars hanging over the walls. Blue up lighters lit up the walls and huge screens to be seen from every angle showcasing the latest music videos. The ambience was great. We pulled on our dorky looking bowling shoes and Liam made us take a picture holding our feet out in front of the pins. I was a little bit skeptical at first because of the way the first picture blew up, but how much attention can a picture of just our feet get?

"Let's make a bet." He said as he keyed our names into the score board.

"You like your bets don't you." I replied raising my eyebrows in his direction.

He didn't reply to that but he gave me a knowing look that oozed with disapproval. 

"Name the stakes." I asked, amused.

"If you win, I'll apologize to your friend." Now I was interested. "If I win, you gotta do a little fashion show for me." 

"A fashion show?" I uttered in surprise, giggling at his terms. 

"Yeah, catwalk included." A cocky smile tugged at the corners of his lips and suddenly I questioned what outfits he would want me to wear.

"What sort of fashion show?" my words came out slow as I dragged out each syllable, cautious about where his mind was going.

 Liams smile broke out, it was huge and made his eyes sparkle with delight. He looked hot and I couldn't tear my eyes away. I felt myself smiling back in return.

"We'll start with that top drawer of yours and we'll end there too. I often find myself wondering which one of those lacy underwear you're wearing, the visual will help my visual." he teased.

BAD BOY ABUSED (female pov read first)Where stories live. Discover now